Now Mervyn , I believe your account of the visit to Moscow .Correct me don't 
you have family connections ?-snip-PS ....A few months ago it was found that 
donkeys were disappearing ....right in Dodoma, the capital city of Tanzania, 
the Chinese had constructed an abattoir.  One good thing about the Maasai is 
that the Donkey is a beast of burden ...unlike other tribes where women carry 
water on the head and a baby on the back...The Maasai women walk with the doney 
loaded with two bags made of Goat skin, on either side of the Donkey. Donkeys 
also carry grain....10 or more miles. 

The only (acknowledged) relative was Rasputin. The Swahili speakers in the 
family contend that current the top dog in Russia, Rais Putin, may be another. 
For non-Swahili speakers, Rais means President.  

Speaking about lost donkeys, I came across the following: The spread of 
Covid-19 is based on two factors. 1) How dense the population is. 2) How dense 
the population is. 



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