Are we prepared for lifting of lock down on May 3?

Our Markets will open up and we need to maintain hygiene, water supply
and wash stations need to be created. Have we done that? The time of
lock down till May 3rd is meant for it.

Our migrant labour and unskilled labour and contract labour will start
working. Have we created enough Aawarness on the COVID 19 disease
pathology, hand washing techniques and hand sanitization, wearing
masks and removal, wearing gloves and removal, disposing this bio
medical waste to the right facility.
Our daily wage labourers who are on their own how are they going to
subsist? Who will pay them? Our Industries will start functioning
where is the facility for providing them In house stay? IDC and the
industries need to create this infrastructure. Frequent Hand washing
is one of the best methodologies to rid the virus do we have wash
stations with clean water and soap. Few more weeks and if there are no
rains there will b water shortage how r we going to tackle that?
As the saying goes "where there is clean water and soap there is hope"
Inter departmental co ordination is important along with the Citizenry
to actively participate in following the advisories of Govt. create an
infrastructure, develop legislations and equip our law enforcing
agencies to deal with the people with dignity, respect and all
fairness that can yield results. Interstate border goods transfer and
labour has to be dealt with stringent laws. Do we have these SoPs.
Sanitization of public places like markets, banks, post offices and
others. Have we got funding for that?
Our front line health care providers, our Police they need their PPE,
Have we made arrangements for these contingency funding? All this is
going to happen and many more just till 3/5/2020 where in we need
funds when the economy is down and Going into bankruptcy.
We all need to work in these times of exigencies and do our bit i. e.
1)Physical distancing, 2)Social distancing (refrain and restrain until
dire need) 3)Wearing a mask 4)Frequent scientific washing of hands for
min. 20secs. 5)Use of hand Sanitizers 6)Respiratory etiquettes
(coughing and sneezing in crook Of elbow or using tissue paper and
disposing in a closed bin. 7)Never touch your eyes, nose and mouth
until hands are washed. 8) Create awareness amongst our worthy maids,
class IV employees, unskilled labour, children etc 9) Follow
advisories of Govt. unfailingly. 10) Working Together Works We Can
Fight Corona Virus.

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