Corona virus desginated hotels go full as people sleep on the streets
and cars in Goa

Has Goa lost its plot on Corona virus fight...check this

People entered Goa with permission that were to be quarantined for two
days finally finds that there is no room available and had to stay in
their cars and sleep on the footpaths overnight. Some of them were
being escorted by police from one place to another as no rooms are
available. One of them is 2-3 months old baby.

Another view of Goa…disaster

A Senior Indian Naval Officer, presently posted in Goa .. His native
place is in Kerala pens his experiences about lockdown in Goa an

Was on the roads for last two days traveling to Kerala to be with my
parents. I want to share my experience with all for general benefit.

1. First I applied online for entry into Kerala. Got it in just over 3 hrs.

2. Incase of Goa I had to apply 4 times to get it right and clear it.
It was difficult to navigate through the website. The entire process
took about 30hrs.

3. While on the journey itself at the Goa border.

I got down and had to show I'd proof of all family members which was
written down in the register and then cleared to go.

4. At the Karnataka end all of us had to get down thermal screening
had to be done. Names entered in a register and then cleared to move.

5. As we traveled within Karnataka we were stopped at two toll booths
to enter our details.

6. Now comes the real one. As we entered Kerala at the first point. I
had to get down show my pass and was given a token.

7. I had to get in and travel for 500m aprox. At this point we were
told to get down of the vehicle. Close our eats bag. Lower car windows
and the entire car was sanitised. We were told not to switch on AC. We
could move to next point.

8. Again traveled for 500m or so were we again got down. Thermal
screening done for all and with our permit no itself our details were
verified online without touching any documents.

Contact details were taken and then we could move to next point.

9. At this point we sat in the car itself and our details were
recorded online by police.

10. We could then comence our journey to home.

11. We were in for a surprise within a minute we got call from my
village panchayat confirming our entry. Next from my village health
department checking about our health. After that from the collectorate
checking our health details.

12. As a family we felt we were in some foreign country in the
positive manner. Were in everyone was showing concern about our well

13. We reached home at night 1 am. Morning 7am itself I got a call
checking if we reached safely and gave instructions about home
quarantine for 14 days and to report if we get any symptoms.

14 At 9 am a local volunteer visited our house for a chat. They said
in your absence we have come to your house and checked up on your
parents and were ready to help them out with medical treatment etc.

15. In the entire journey as I was traveling we had sent a word across
and was surprised to be provided food at different  points which we
had to decline bcoz we were already stuffed with it in the car.

My two bits:

And for the rest of us Indians, we need to figure out...Finally what
matters??? Communal supremacy, ideological pride, retrospecting
history or a system that promises us a good, healthy, respectable
quality of life for our family....Think about it!

So, Kerala is changing, changing into a well managed welfare state, a
state the gives tremendous impetus on Healthcare, Education and good
Governance. To my mind the things that has worked for Kerala is
Literacy, Communal harmony and the fact that people hold their public
and government office bearers accountable. Reward them for their
achievements and punish them if they err.  Public representatives and
government officials therefore behaves and functions like Public
servant and not rulers, masters or colonial officers

Why not Goa

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