
Your Message: 5     Dated: Tue, 19 May 2020 23:26:31 +0530

Subject: the Subject:  "Nom de Plume" copacetic on Goanet...Pleased me no
end .....I even learned a new word COPAETIC

Mervyn: like a few of us has raised the same question.

Let me make three quick points:

First A certain Pereira admits that the son of his drivers
contributes....Is this son a minor with authority to pen a poem or two no
wonder this individual has the audacity to write that there is no
difference between good and bad..

Secondly Allahu or Akbar is a common exclamation that literally means "God
is (the) greatest" in Islam and Arabic """ it's variously used in prayer,
as a declaration of faith, and during times of great joy or distress" ::*.
In the West, the phrase has become associated with Islamist terrorism.*

Is that what these fellows are Boasting About...that they condone killing
for political or religious purpose?

Three we are being told that this new Bard has lived in Africa, is a top
teacher in top Institutions in India and perhaps even among the
AINU....this individual Is old and sick.  Could be true This individual
NEEDS TO BE PUT IN A NURSING HOME ...His colleagues who have been aiding,
abetting and encouraging him should help.

There is need to FLUSH OUT  these type of adherents

Adolfo Mascarenhas


I am a Catholic ..I believe in Freedom of Worship .....Hindus, Muslims etc
etc  Why would a Canadian Citizen be embarrassed to to be a RC .....Even
the Devil can quote the Bible  ......Could this fellow be a FM ..


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