On Saturday, May 23, 2020, 03:09:34 p.m. CDT, E DeSousa <ejd...@att.net> wrote:
 I post under my real name.
I was given at birth four names which I thought was rather excessive so I have 
used one initial and the last name most of the time whenever feasible. 

You can check my professional profile at LinkedIn.

To answer your question directly, none of my works "bombed".

If you happen to come to Michigan, bring your golf clubs, stop by, we can play 
nine holes and I will buy you a beer.

E. DeSousa,
Goanet has an unusual endemic. It is one of the very few places where you will 
find email addresses unique to its site. 

I guess everyone is in debt to the link you so graciously sported - but I have 
little interest in your profile as your views are pretty opprobrious. 

I understand the agony that your parents burdened you with regarding the 
excessive names and somewhat pity you. Perhaps, in your old age, you can try to 
forgive them.

Lastly, I doubt anyone would enjoy a beer with you so thanks, but no thanks.




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