Ontario’s Long Term Care facilities have been severely hit by the Covid-19 

Scarcely a day passes without the press exposing the inadequate staffing and 
equipment, the terrible conditions and the lack of space.
LTC facilities are institutional residencies, both private and government where 
people who are no longer able to do ‘Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)’ are 
admitted. These ADLs are transferring, bathing, defecating, dressing, eating 
and suchlike. Intake is from senior residences and private homes where 
caregivers can no longer provide the intensive care needed.

A surprising fact that came out of this was Govt LTC facilities were better 
managed than private ones. This is all the more surprising given that an 
average private facility costs $4,000 a month per resident while Govt 
facilities are free (they only deduct your normal social benefits). Why don’t 
people opt for Govt facilities you may ask. For two reasons; one is that the 
general impression is you are better looked after in private care if you can 
afford it (with the pandemic this is now debunked) and the second is that there 
is a waiting list for Govt care.

I have been on several visits to private facilities and for visitors they look 
great. Guests at a small cost or sometimes gratis, can sit for meals with those 
they are visiting. The meals are nutritious, tasty and with daily changes. The 
common areas as well as private rooms are clean, well designed and well 
equipped. You are allowed with permission to tour the entire facility and be a 
part of the regular musical entertainment provided. On the surface all this is 

When Covid hit the LTC homes and staff along with residents got hit with 
sickness and death, the prime minister sent in the soldiers to help. These were 
young, fit and willing volunteers, but a few of them also got affected.

This is a report on what they conveyed of their experiences to the PM.

CBC News
Trudeau says military members saw 'extremely troubling' things in Ontario 
long-term care facilities



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