Dear Dr D'Sa,
Is it impossible to rejoice even during times of pandemic and death? I
guess it all depends on our attitude. Btw, the average number of deaths in
India (on a non-pandemic day) is 27,000. Do we also blame some superior
power for that? Or just ageing and ill-health?
I would blame "Mr Argham's" Lord for the pandemic deaths. We mostly don't
credit him/her for the good times either.
The Bible, like any thick tome, has a lot of verses. Just like the
Internet. We can find what we want there.
As for the "holy white guys" in the Vatican, are we sure we would have not
been grumbling if they were Black guys or Yellow? Or Brown?
As a good iconoclast, of course, you wouldn't dare to agree with what DA
has said. For sure. Mog assundi. FN

On Wed, 27 May 2020 at 20:36, Eddie D'Sa <> wrote:

> Dear Mr Argham:
> In your latest quote, Your Lord advises his followers  to rejoice always,
> no matter what.
> He seems unaware that the corona pandemic is raging and has killed
> thousands of people the world over.
> Your Lord seems to be a pretty heartless fellow but you of course wouldn’t
> know.
> You mechanically select passages from the Bible, constructed and
> authorized by the holy white guys of the Vatican. And of course, as a good
> Catholic, you wouldn’t dare challenge any passage or make comments of your
> own.

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