Augusto, you were très drôle!


> On May 31, 2020, at 6:17 AM, augusto pinto <> wrote:
> Epifanio Valadares sent in the following post:   https: //
> His essential plea is: "My request through this mail, is that if possible,
> please push this websiteto the concern authorities and our Goa state
> leaders (as I do not have
> their emails). The writer of this website should be liable for the
> authenticity of their articles. He can't just portray articles in the name
> of history to fuel up religious conflicts."
> I had a hearty laugh. What Senhor Valledares wants to say is that 'the
> concern (sic) authorities' should ban a website which is intimately
> connected to the blood stream of 'the concern (sic)'
> Which means it is highly unlikely that any action, even a mild
> admonishment, will be highly unlikely unless the 'the concern (sic)' can be
> pushed to the wall. (Highly unlikely, given the brute majority of the 'the
> concern (sic)' in the Goa Assembly and 6Lok Sabha.
> Besides even if 'the concern...' were somehow willing, banning anything is
> among the worst possible responses to such provocations. And will soon
> prove counter-productive, with massive protests from the Hindutva trolls.
> The best way, although it may still be ineffective, given the brute
> majority of 'the concern...' is to counter untruth with truth.
> But unfortunately our so-called 'intellectuals' don't have the guts or the
> sense to handle such delicate issues.
> Some time ago I pointed out the issue-skirting questions of Frederick
> Noronha and the pusillanimous responses of Fr. Dr. Anthony da Silva,
> Director of the Xavier Centre for Historical Research, when they had a
> golden opportunity to publicly enunciate a response to such propoganda but
> instead preferred to skirt around the issues like cowards.
> Of course Fred and Tony da had a great opportunity to consolidate a
> wonderful 'you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours' relationship' which
> they milked to the maximum. It was pathetic, even painful to watch.
> I'll repost the relevant part of that message of mine:
> "Google threw this video at me...
> Given that both the parties involved are known to me, one the younger
> bother of my classmate Ricky, and the other a fellow Moidekar, a Jesuit
> priest who I (know) I watched the video with interest.
> FN asked two questions which should have elicited interesting answers. One
> was about the history of the Jesuits;...
> I was amazed by the responses of Tony da  (that's what FN familiarly calls
> the reverend) and Goa's "greatest" journalist's probing supplementaries.
> On the origins of the Jesuits in Goa there was little about St Francis
> Xavier and certainly no question was asked about his letter calling for the
> Inquisition. I don't think I heard much about why the Marquis de Pombal
> kicked the Jesuits out of Goa. This is all widely known to those who know,
> but should have been known to a larger audience.
> It was a great opportunity for Tony da to give the Jesuits' viewpoint
> because on social media the Hindutva trolls regularly come out with the
> taunt, "But what about Francis Xavier? Usually the St. is carefully
> omitted.
> Tony da fluffed it..."
> ...............................................................
> Incidentally the Inquisition is trending on Goa's Facebook accounts: on the
> one side you find Fr. Victor Ferrao and on the other my good friend
> Shrikant Barve.
> Augusto

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