Dear Mel de Quadros,

You've used an old mail to try to cast (I presume, because your intentions
aren't clear) doubt upon what Alan Machado (Prabhu) a Mangalorean Christian
who has written an essay to confront the lies, half-truths and evasions
purported by FACT.

I think Alan Machado (Prabhu) or his copy-editor who I believe is Frederick
Noronha have blundered by not giving the link to FACT and by not giving
precise references to FACT's document. Maybe FN will do this now. Currently
readers cannot respond because they don't know what the context is in the
form of FACTs 'exhibition'.

Coming to your response Mel, instead of posting old information which may
not be accurate, if you choose to ask specific questions on Alan Machado's
text then I would be able to help and so would my friend Alan in answering
your questions.

I say this because as of now Alan Machado (Prabhu) haa probably the latest
knowledge about recently released Inquisition documents.


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