-------- Original Message ----------
From: MELVYN FERNANDES <melvynfernan...@virginmedia.com>
To: iggydesouz...@gmail.com
Date: 17 June 2020 at 06:01
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Fwd: Half Term report on Observations of Goan Welfare So

-------- Original Message ----------
From: Joseph Rebello <asjrebe...@yahoo.co.uk>
To: Melvyn Fernandes <melvynfernan...@virginmedia.com>
Date: 17 June 2020 at 05:34
Subject: Fw: Fwd: Half Term report on Observations of Goan Welfare So

The Only Thing that is necessary for the Triumph of Evil to succeed is for Good 
Goenkars do sit in Silence and do nothing about this constant Appeals by the 
Goan Welfare Society without Let or Hindrance despite having enough funds to 
have 35 New Year's Eve Balls.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 

----- Forwarded message -----
From: "MELVYN FERNANDES" <melvynfernan...@virginmedia.com>
Sent: Sun, 14 Jun 2020 at 3:17
Subject: Fwd: Half Term report on Observations of Goan Welfare Society (GWS) in 
the UK

-------- Original Message ----------
From: MELVYN FERNANDES <melvynfernan...@virginmedia.com>
To: goanet <goanet@lists.goanet.org>
Date: 13 June 2020 at 22:38
Subject: Half Term report on Observations of Goan Welfare Society (GWS) in the 

Half Term report on Observations of Goan Welfare Society (GWS) in the UK

A post holder of a Charity is called a Trustee.

The Goan Welfare Society charity no 280542 has no Staff since1983 hence the 
money you contribute is held in Trust by the trustees and disbursed at their 
discretion, you have no say in the matter and the Dead cannot speak. So to the 
gullible, continue to put your hands in your pocket and donate to the appeal 
which appeared on Goan Voice UK by unelected Trustees on which I can only 
describe as take, take any which way they can this time under cover of Covid 19.

If you agree, GWS and G.O.A. UK are both sides of the same coin same people 
different hats who I have observed over a decade the unchecked hijacking and 
thrashing of the Goan Association UK ever since our Clubhouse at Ravensbourne, 
Kent was burnt to cinders in the fire on 21 September 1998. As can be seen by 
everyone, our community is still homeless and our youth do not know whether 
they are coming or going.

At a Goan Village Feast a couple of years ago, the Trustees Report of the Goan 
Welfare Society was scattered on tables so I picked one up.  This was for the 
Financial Year ended 31 December 2016 and was drawn up for their Annual General 
Meeting 2017.   This report did not indicate date, venue or how many members 
attended.   The report stated “I would like to highlight the generous legacy 
left to GWS by Antoinette De Souza and this source of income has brought us a 
total of £212,500.00 in 2016”.   I have also heard on the Goan grapevine that 
other sizable donations from deceased Goans from their estate have been made.   
Goan Welfare Society also raises money from its annual fundraising New Year’s 
dance every year in premium price ticket sales, revenue from the bar and 
catering, raffles, sales of party hats, etc. where our community part money in 
good faith, in addition to sobbing letters with crocodile tears to the bereaved,

The distributing of the Goan Welfare Society Trustees Annual General Meeting 
2017 at Goan village feast socials, is I wonder another  fund raising campaign  
to capture the feel good factor at village feasts  to instruct their respective 
Annual General Meetings held on feast days to donate bos festas?

In view of the above, I noted in Goan Voice dated 2 June 2020 that a further 
appeal was made for funds, this time under cover of Covid 19 by the  Goan 
Welfare Society UK.   In this appeal it states that “as required by the Charity 
Commission, the Charity has to operate as an autonomous body with its own 
membership and raising its own funds” I was indeed delighted to see the audited 
accounts with a healthy balance sheet for the year ending 2018

With a balance of GBP£ 260,000.00 in GWS coffers, I am concerned that continual 
appeals are made for money this time under cover of Covid 19. 

Readers may be interested to click on the link below to see the latest 
financial summary:

Cut and paste on your browser if link does not open


Financial Year End (FYE)



31 December 2018

£  27,440

£  38,151

31 December 2017

£  66,781

£  35,211

31 December 2016


£  12,346

31 December 2015

£  21,691

£  16,246

31 December 2014

£  11,201

£    2,673




With  UK Funeral arrangements now an industry GWS must be commended for their 
arrangements of cost effective fixed costs repatriations of deceased Goans  
from UK to their families in Goa in 2018  at a fixed cost of GBP2,100.00 on 
average while burial costs in UK is around GBP4,600.00 our people are always 
looking for cheaper initiatives. The only criteria is that you have a 
Portuguese Passport and claim to have no money.

Despite having a guide price, it is not unusual on the death of the newly 
arrived Portuguese National of Goan origin to see appeals of even higher sums 
on social media by individuals. Are Goans really Stupid a question I have been 
asked many times. Can I spare you a long list of examples.

Mismanagement are like weeds in a garden left unchecked they will destroy the 
garden and the fields beyond.  Good management is required for any organisation 
to grow and flourish.

I can remember attending the inauguration of the Goan Welfare Society by the 
Late Mani Rodrigues at a facility by the then Newham Goan Circle with its 
constitution in a light avocado green cover.   Today people remind me that I 
spent over 40 years of my life on voluntary unpaid work for the Goan 
Association UK and turn to me, what is going on?  I ask them to contact the 
Goan Welfare Society, they say they have done so but received no response.    

Any reader concerned about this organisation and has not had a reply to their 
enquiry can feel free to contact the Fundraising Regulator address below. The 
contents of this letter is personal not confidential and should not be used as 
any authority.

Fundraising Regulator 2nd Floor, CAN Mezzanine 49-51 East Road London, N1 6AH

0300 999 3407

ad...@fundraisingregulator.org.uk mailto:ad...@fundraisingregulator.org.uk

Melvyn Fernandes

Former Welfare Director G.O.A. UK Ltd.

14 June 2020

Click here for my dedication to all who work towards the good of all

 Catcha a falling star



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