What about false hopes created for people who take such supplements and quack 
cures? Even if no claims are made by the producers, the people taking them will 
be in for disappointment.

Homeopathy and Ayurveda is quackery not science just like astrology, although 
some Indians will swear by it. They may work as palliatives for minor ailments 
but putting your trust in them for anything serious is quite foolish. All the 
more when we have real science to help us.


> On Jun 25, 2020, at 6:22 AM, John Eric Gomes <joe...@dataone.in> wrote:
> There are many alternative systems to Allopathic scientific discipline like 
> Chinese/Oriental systems which people have great faith in and also in our own 
> Siddha, Aryuvedic and Homeopathic medecine widely practised. We also have in 
> Goa"bone setters" and local doctors curing hopeless cases with local herbs 
> and poultices/concotions that are secret. In the south the unexplained live 
> fish swallowing cure is one of them. So when the state of Tamilnadu is 
> sponsoring Sidda cure for Covid-19 with many satisfied patients claiming 
> complete cure, and Swami Ramdev jumping the gun and claiming 100% cure when 
> the whole world is battling for a reliable proven treatment leave alone cure, 
> the reaction from the scientific community and medical specialists is 
> understandible. However call it boosting the immune system cure, the option o 
> avail of it must be left to the patient. In fact I believe that the excessive 
> sterile atmosphere and chemical pills taken for various illnesses due need to 
> sustain our modern lifestyle, are the root cause of our immune system being 
> weak and overcome by various bacteria and viruses. The Ayush Ministry must 
> not ban their use whilst further investigation and proof  of many cured cases 
> is progressed. Yes the claim for 100% cure must be prohibited, but the use of 
> the medicines as a immunity system booster allowed as this route to cure is 
> better than vaccines and chemical drugs? If this treatment is not supressed 
> maybe this route may even become a reliable miracle cure for Corona!

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