It struck me that very few Goan Women contribute in this Forum.  I have
seen an occasional piece....its rare though.    ...very rare. Yet, there
are women authors, reporters  etc .professionals including  lawyers,
doctors, housewives  professors footballers etc   ....
Two  things struck me about this matter:

:::: ONE > is there real gender equality in India , in Tanzania, USA
 depends on circumstances ...A woman President of US the A. ....Britain,
India, Sierra Leone, Norway  yes :::

A macho fellow in North Anjuna told me a strange story.  He said long
before the Portugese arrived in this great land, there were  Christians
baptized by nol other than the Apostle Thomas. Somehow the story gets a
bit  muddled.  Many especially the Bible quoting guys know the story of
Lots wife turning into a Piillar of Salt.  I asked him why His answer was
that she looked behind at the city :::
I asked him which city :
<<<Reply was <<<<I think it was Jerusalem>>>
<<<Have you heard of Sodom>>>>
<<<What was her name ?>>>
<<< . Perhaps it was Ado or Edith. !!! says I >>>>
<<< Did it really happen, I mean like the Noahs floods?""
<<<< Have you heard of the Dead Sea""
He shook his head and proudly told me that he sailed all over the world
Red Sea, Mediterranean , Arabian Sea, Green ""
:<<<Why was she turned into a Pillar of Salt """
<<For disobeying her husband ....says old man Pedro>>>
::::This is too much for this Darite of Tz:::L
::::I decided not to tell him that Edith really wanted the life in the fast
line of SODOM.  There were Harlots galore, fellows who took drugs, gangs
who stole etc  ::::
Pedro,I have to leave for Quepem"
""" What did the Goan Husband from Anjuna tell his wife a long time ago
when St Thomas was here"
Pedro tells me seriously <<<'He told his wife that if she spoke when men
were talking (I presume they also wrote around 10 AD) she would be struck

I had to beat a hasty retreat .....I head towards Quepem...had a very nice
talk and then came the CANNIBAL of  QUEPEM"

Time to consult Walter Menezes.
In Quepem with a HIStory (not HERstory) or even our Story

PS:Edith or Ado was Lot's Second wife. :

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