I know your paper cannot take such lengthy articles and i am not a
columnist writer  in your paper hence i had sent this write up to other
local papers but was unsuccessful  and they have not published reasons not
known to me.
I am sorry that this request is coming to you now which i feel that the
stench at Bainguinim plant if at all materializes will surely be affecting
not only the locals more but also the tourists from all over the world and
they will change their mind and go elsewhere and our Government will loose
the income coming mostly from these foreign tourists. Also the exposition
of St.Francis Xavier will be affected because of the stench. I and the
prominent personalities mentioned in my article have suggested alternative
arrangements including scientific reasons which will crop up if garbage
dump is made similar to Sonssodo at Curtorim constituency in Margao.
Please,  I sincerely request you to publish this article or edit it  if
found lengthy.
Thanks a million Sir.

Stephen Dias
Dona Paula


Stephen Dias

The Bainguinim waste treatment plant site has created a host of actual and
perceived problems that may happen which could render the unique and one of
its kind, never to be replicated again World Heritage site of Old Goa with
its ornate Basilica de Bom Jesus and the Sé Cathedral into deep trouble.
>From the happenings of the past although now consigned in history books it
may be stated that Old Goa was the capital city of Goa during the
Portuguese regime and it was because of the outbreak of plague in the area
that Old Goa ceased to be the capital of Goa and Panjim became the new
capital. The possibility of such an event repeating in Old Goa cannot be
excluded if a waste treatment plant which comes up there undergoes a major
breakdown which cannot be repaired in time and the garbage is allowed to
fester in the area thus causing the possibility of pestilence such as
swarms of mosquitoes and blue bottle flies. It would be better that we
learn from the lessons of the past and thus prudently decide to find
another area for relocation of the garbage treatment plant so as to for
once and for all prevent the outbreak of a health disaster in an area which
is known to be a sacred place with the sacred relics of the patron saint of
Goa, St. Francis Xavier being housed in an intricately crafted casket in
the Basilica de Bom Jesus. Besides the people of the area up in arms
against using this sacred place as a backyard for setting up of the solid
waste treatment plant ( SWTP) as also the possibility of percolation of
leachate into the ground water of Old Goa causing contamination, saner
reason should prevail and this project should be shifted to another
location that is remote in Tiswadi. It would be also noted that nowhere in
the world would the general populace allow the vicinity of a sacred area to
become defiled by a plant which has the potential of causing a pestilence.
Places of such world wide acclaim as a tourist destination should have a
hygienic environment. To elucidate the mood of the prominent citizens of
this area , I would like to quote three very well-known and respected
personalities who have these words to say:  A prominent doctor ( Dr.
Edelweiss Desa)  says there are lot of construction where people started
residing plus a school has come up there.  It has become a chock- a- block
with an Industrial Estate at Corlim which has a lot of space and can be
explored for a Garbage plant. She is against getting garbage from Panjim to
Bainguinim. She feels that each village should have their own way of
disposal.  Another prominent NIO scientist ( Anselam Almeida) says it is
not a good place as it's on a hill plateau and it's leachate  is going to
destroy the complete  ground water table and so the fields and drinking
water of Carambolim. Further the leachate is going to destroy the fresh
water Carambolim lake which is Bird sanctuary for Siberian cranes. And the
third widely renowned priests Dr. (Fr.) Victor Ferrão says there are
aesthetics and scientific reasons why we cannot have in Bainguinim,  due to
its closeness of Old Goa churches and Fr.Savio Barreto ex- Rector of
Basílica of Bom Jesus recollect that our church has opposed to this
 dumping garbage Bainguinim site.
 It is well known that accumulation of garbage in this area with these
spiritual precincts should not happen. It should be cautioned here that in
the vicinity of this area earlier at Santa Mónica, Corlim, a pesticide
plant was located which was producing pesticides banned by the World Health
Organization and were using such concentrated inorganic and organic
compounds that were lethal such as Chlorine gas in 800 kgs cylinders,
corrosive mono chloro mono methyl aceto-acetamide, phosphorous tri-chloride
and trimethyl phosphite that could have caused a major disaster in the
area. I have been working in this CIBA plant in the early 1970s.

Stephen Dias
Former Scientist of NIO
Resident of Dona Paula -Goa

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