Goa has always welcomed its Children and Grand Children Home sadly its great 
grandchildren cannot  wait to leave.

Even before the millennium twenty years ago the grass suddenly became greener 
in different Goan settlements in most parts of the world making it desirable 
for our younger people to leave the soil of Goa to seek their fortune leaving a 
void  authentic food being one of them.

Goa has in its own unique tradition has the best food in the world garnished 
with good music. This can be sampled at The Mandovi in Los Angeles  Ca USA  
Cajetan Mendoncas  Saffron Spice in Rayner Valley  Seattle  Wa USA . Goa Indian 
Farm kitchen Bayview Avenue N york Toronto  Savio Azavedo ye olde Goa in 
Norbury England  for Lamb curry with Jaggery  If there was an award for the 
best samosa this would go to Rose Dias in Bexleyheath. Our people in  the Goan 
settlements of Vancover and Nairobi Arusha Southall Swindon  have private 
caterers of Goan Cusine.Apologies to those I have missed out let us know on 
Goanet before World Goa Day August 19/20 so that we can all celebrate our 
Heritage. Goanet reaches  our people in parts of the world that others do not 

Folks returning to Goa  should be embraced and assimilated not rehabilitees as 
announced by the NRI Office. Most will have skills never utilised by the super 
clever  in Goa. Seafarers sailing the seven seas have been ambassadors for Goa 
centre staging Goan Cosine along with other International dishes enjoyed by a  
Global multicultural audience of three to four thousand people  at a time on 
cruise liners  who someday may come to Goa for the experience. Welcome and come 

True there are many places in the world that can be more economical cleaner and 
pleasant to visit. Goa has everything from the harvest of the sea and land to 
sunshine and rain whatever your mood in addition to folks coming home with 
various skills manners and working criteria  that could create sustained 
employment and dignity for all.

There are individuals and organisations working on ensuring this human capital 
is not wasted. One of them is  Basil D’Cunha a career guidance counsellor has  
sent out a message across Goa announcing that training would be imparted in 
seven areas. Contact Basil for further details co o Heraldo edition July 9th 
2020 page no 11

Melvyn Fernandes

Thornton Heath Surrey

9 July 2020

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