As the working of the Courts is now very restricted, to save the taxpayers
from an unnecessary financial burden all further appointment of new Judges
at all levels must be kept on hold for now as a cash strapped government
cannot afford to he hosting idling Judges.

The Judiciary is the common man’s last hope for Justice. But it has failed
to deliver in these critical days while the pandemic rages.  Dispensation
of justice is an absolute essential service which has to be provided

Video-conferencing may be a good concept, but was it proper for the Courts
to have suddenly invoked it without the proper infrastructure in place. It
may not have been right to hurriedly introduce a system without proper
planning, training and effective awareness for all participants.

With already such a huge pile up of cases, the current extended limited
working of Courts is a matter of concern. The working of the Judiciary has
practically come to a grinding halt with only urgent cases being heard. As
every litigant knows the urgency in his case, there is no excuse why Courts
cannot fully function while observing the health and safety protocols.

The wheels of justice were already turning slowly before the pandemic and
should not have been allowed to grind to a halt. People expect and demand
justice in a timely and honest way. Every Court after taking all the
required precautions in the current circumstances could have heard a fixed
number of cases a day. The fountains of justice must keep flowing. Justice
delayed is Justice denied and this is impermissible. Justice must be timely
or not at all.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012




You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues


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