India Vaccine ready by Jan '21? (Anish Esteves)

On July 27, the world’s biggest COVID-19 vaccine study by the US government
got afoot with the first of 30,000 planned volunteers ready to receive

Across the pond, the Oxford Uni and AstraZeneca COVID-19 trials are
underway, in the race for a solution.

Renu Swarup, Secretary of Department of Biotechnology (DBT) confirmed that
5 sites across the country are ready for the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19
vaccine phase 3 human trials.

The Pune-based Serum Institute Of India (SII), the largest vaccine
manufacturer in the world, has been chosen by Oxford -AstraZeneca to
manufacture the vaccine once it is ready.

Adar Poonawalla, CEO of SII, said, “It is too early to comment on the
vaccine’s price. However, we will keep it under 1,000 per dose.”

Furthermore he suggested that it is extremely likely that the COVID-19
vaccine would require two or more doses, like in the case of antidotes for
measles and other diseases.

The vaccine could be available en masse, first quarter 2021, if everything
goes smoothly with a breakthrough.

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