RIP Sr. Marcos Gomes-Catao. He would personally share his poems and articles 
about Goa since 2016. Here is one on Calangute:
Ode to CalanguteOf the 40’s
The shimmering landscape of BAGA far awayAlmost lost in the curve of the baySo 
recalls a picturesque MONET tableau

HAIL! Brightest Belle  of all GOAN shores.Manifold the variety of your 
folks:That old lady seeking solace for her rheumatismRubs shoulders with the 
matron eyeing lasses for her lad,And yonder comely damsel in seeming 
distressVain looks for the philanderer faithlessTo whom last year  her heart 
she pledgedWhereas the svelte demoiselle from KarachiBanters her beaux with 
coquetish repartee.
HAIL! Fairest of all GOAN shoresIn the quiet of your serene eveningsThe soft 
caressing whisper of the windRustling through your swaying palmsWorks like a 
potent, soothing balmAs dulcet sounds float in the air:“Crying Suzanna” or 
“Darling Clementine”,“Coming down the mountains” or othersWhich the virtuoso 
coaxes from his guitarTo the accompanying bystanders' delight.
HAIL!B rlightest Belle of all GOAN shoresBehind trellised screens in the 
balconyOf the palm-thatched hoary innThe loud tittle-tattle of jaunty 
ramblersDowning “St.PAULI” 2 or a swig of “MACIEIRA” 3,With Africanders 
clinging to their Scotcha,Rises into the depths of the eveningAs raucous voices 
join in with 'mando'To the accords of violin and 'gumot'4
HAIL! Fairest of all GOAN shores.Time passes taking with it all we love.Is it 
alright to have a moment's regretThat the magnificent old pageantIs now subdued 
by monstrous cement boxesAnd the old graciousness replaced by obnoxiousnessOf 
gauche 'outsider “nouveau riches”And jobless dregs of Western society?
HAIL! Brightest Belle of all GOAN shores.How they have killed the core of your 
soulBringing to mind those oracular wordsOf the song   we sang not too long 
ago:“Bye, beauteous, gracious shoresAdieu, land of my loveWhat aching nostalgia 
thou leavestIn the deepest recesses of my heart”.5

Long-time Goanetter Marcos
Gomes-Catao passed in the past
week, and as a tribute to him,
we carry one of his charming
articles he had shared earlier.
MG-C's prominent family home,
now replaced by a building that
houses many medical and other
facilities in Mapusa, still
carries the family name.  He is
the brother of the prominent
Jesuit educationist in Poona
and Goa, late Vincent
Gomes-Catao SJ.


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