It took ages for Goans to wake up and take up the cudgels. Today many Green 
initiatives are taking place all around Goa thanks to the great efforts from 
Agriculture Engineer Miguel Braganca, Nestor Rangel and others. Social media 
has also greatly helped to spread the good word around. 
Recently the Goa Green Brigade and other positive organisations were seen along 
the Guirim Highway caring for the coconut trees along the road divider. It is 
time for the 'noble' Goan specially the disco youngsters to start dirtying 
their hands. 
We have so many assets that we are throwing away. The mine industry could have 
fed us for generations but it still exists as a primary industry with little in 
terms of steel industry. Our coast lines and hills have been devastated with 
poor development. Cashew plantations which once dotted these places are now non 
existent. Unfortunately what is lacking in these initiatives is funding. 
Hopefully overseas Goans will take interest in these events. It is an 
opportunity to wrest control of 60 years of failure. (Just take a look at the 

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