According to the Indian government’s own National Crime Records Bureau
(NCRB) at least one rape is reported every 16 minutes, and giant Uttar
Pradesh registers around 10 cases per day, the abysmal worst state next
only to Rajasthan. Over years without respite, the country has become
mostly inured to this never-ending criminal disaster.

Thus, it’s first of all rather surprising that India has become seriously
roiled by the violent gang-rape of one 19-year-old woman in a field in UP’s
Hathras district on 14th September.

Part of the reason lies in the family backgrounds of the victim (she was
Valmiki, from a cluster of castes that have been historically excluded and
oppressed as “untouchable” or Dalit) as well as her assailants (they are
Thakur, another set of social groups that claim the status of “Rajputs”).

There’s also the open-and-shut nature of this incident: the young woman was
grievously injured, and eventually succumbed (her autopsy report lists
evidence of strangulation and severe cervical injuries), but took pains to
record her “dying declaration” with a magistrate, where she named Sandip
Singh, Ramu Singh, Ravi Singh and Lavkush Singh, and detailed the nature of
their vicious attack.

Yet, as horrific as this crime was, it is the cynical, heartless cover-up
that has stunned and galvanized people across India and the world.
Immediately after the young woman died on 29 September, even under the full
glare of national media, the Uttar Pradesh police seized her body,
transported it back to Hathras, and cremated it themselves.

In a part of the country obsessed with rituals, the afflicted family was
not allowed to perform them, and denied even a final glimpse of their
relative. This struck a deep chord: the Allahabad High Court immediately
intervened with *suo moto* notices, saying the issue was of “immense public
importance and public interest as it involves allegation of high-handedness
by the State authorities resulting in violation of the basic human and
fundamental rights not only of the deceased victim but also of her family

Since then, it has been non-stop chaos in Hathras and UP, with the state
apparatus desperately trying to save face the only manner it knows:
threats, intimidation, scurrilous insinuations and violence. All of this is
playing out on national television and social media in an extremely
disturbing lowlight reel, and unmistakable indication the Indian state is
failing in fundamentally important ways.

In one especially chilling video, the District Magistrate of Hathras (it is
an all-powerful administrative post) Praveen Kumar Laxkar openly threatened
the victim’s father to withdraw the rape charge made by his daughter on her
deathbed, saying “Half of the media people have left today, the other half
will leave by tomorrow. Only we will stand with you. It is up to you
whether you want to change your statement or not.”

Later, the Additional General of Police (Law & Order) of the UP police made
the absurd claim that rape couldn’t have occurred because semen couldn’t be
detected in the forensic samples taken from the victim’s body 11 days after
her assault. Then came his own threats: “it is clear that some people
twisted the matter to stir caste-based tension. Such people will be
identified and legal action will be taken.”

Meanwhile, the state chief minister Ajay Bisht – who is called Yogi
Adityanath by his supporters – went further, alleging an international
conspiracy to defame him, and warning that his government would “handle”
agitators the same way it silenced protestors against the controversial
Citizenship Amendment Bill, and “those who, during the corona pandemic,
sheltered the Tablighi Jamaat to try and spread the disease.”

It was no idle threat. As the* Indian Express* put it in an unblinking
editorial on October 7, “What kind of a regime would see, after the death
of the 19-year-old Dalit woman assaulted by upper caste men in Hathras, not
the grief of the family that lost its daughter and was denied even the
right to conduct her last rites, and hear not the ringing demands for
lawful justice — but only a conspiracy to defame its own reputation? As
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath spoke of “anarchists” and “conspiracies”
against his government by those “who want to incite caste and communal
riots”, his police force, in the dock themselves for their brutish action,
obediently took their cue and registered a spate of FIRs — 21 and counting.”

That same day, the UP police arrested the Malayalam journalist Siddique
Kappan and three friends, who were on their way to Hathras, and levelled
the outrageous and extremely serious charges of sedition, “outraging
religious feelings”, and “promoting enmity between groups” (some of these
under the draconian Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act.

It is hard not to agree with acclaimed journalist Rana Ayyub, who promptly
tweeted, “Booked under terror law. This is an undeclared emergency in the

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