Pain of another kind at another  time
May be today,  we  as Goans  are more vociferous and vocal towards those
affected by various  developmental schemes  Hordes of Goans are eeking  out
a living  due to immigration and migration  and being subjected  to harsh
weathers and utter discriminations  There is  no gainful employment  or the
avaiable openings are  sold for a premium   that Goans cannot bargain for
or that  outsiders are  preferred  as win win situation for buying  their
Where were we , when people only dwelling  houses  are still being
demolished , pittance is paid for land value and  losing habitable
structures of centuries .Trees are slaughtered  for road expansion into
four lanes and further threatened by 6 lanes .Naturally it is a need for
motorist to ride at speed and confort,that is development indeed by
 wantomly destroying humam settlements ,uprooting habitants  and not
diverting Highways away from residential zones as it is natural around the
world . They are not rehabilitated  or compensated ,a  personal sacrifice
for general social good. Where were the protests ever or are  to prevent
this malaise?
When  konkan railway was proposed similarly large section and people were
displaced and lost acres of cultivable  land The compensation at about Rs 3
plus for meter  was justification.The promised employment to losers is
still a far cry, but on the contrary most openings , station contracts have
been claimed by non affected people.  Where are those who claim for Goans.
 Today the politicians  get priority for travel   ,concessions at drop of
hat  not those who surrendered meekly their land to Konkan railways,
waiting in serpentine  Ques for paid ticket

The displaced inhabitants of Selaulim water works   are still  waiting for
rehabilitation. IT does  not matter as politicians get free water and
others  enjoy 24x7 supply of drinking water. Where is the real concern for
those people.  Hence  all protests and noises  are selective and purposive
AIRPORT at Mopa will usher in utopia fof the residents ,when land around
has been cornered  by cheating the owners  of real value  These land
sharks  will make a killing by resale

Ekectricity in Goa is erratic. Consumers have lost  fittings  due to surges
and fluctuations and constant  cuts.Politicians past and present  have have
been gifted inverters costing 5 lakhs each and they enjoy free power.Has
not other states sacrificed for transmission lines to Goa.  Industries  are
not setting foot without guaranted supply of power,  water  infrastucture
and many domestic consumers are running fron pilar to post for supply
line.  Neighbors  are  objecting to  electric,   wa telephone supply lines
through their properties and such individual's  must face disconnections
immediately ,instead of pandering to their protests
LOOK at the footbal being played even to the establishments  of higher
educational  facilities .Our children have to pay a bomb to get admissions
in professional colleges. Yet we play dog in the manager to stall such
clean projects under guise of safe envifonment.. Does  environment exists
for humans or other way round   ?
Look at the danage to environment caused by over minning to land  water and
air pollution and yet there is so much concerns shown to those affected  by
mining. Who is raising stink about degradation of environment and health
The talk j of sustaianable development is a myth as few may be affected and
that us perfectly acceptable for the good of majority ,provided our
personal interests  are not on chooper block
The seafares had been filling the government  whith much needed foreign
exchange  but today their meagre  pensions are being denied   They have to
fend for themselves  with wives, children  in tow  .Politicians and others
get the luxury of pensiobs at our costs  and often do not deserve
Let the protest be not selective  for self agadisement  ,popularity
mileage, but must factor welfare of majority and by providing  a viable
alternative solution  to problems being addressed  There  seems to be no
unnimity on any project in Goa that has had smooth sailing  River or land
or air projects are constantly touted as  forever danaging either man
animals,  trees  or air,  water called environment

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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