Roland Francis:
"For us in the rest of the world, it’ll be a rough time to see who fills
the vacuum."

And what fills the "vacuum!" Considering that Biden assured all and sundry
that "nothing would fundamentally change," it may well be aside from a
little realignment--perhaps, even more of an unfettered Wall Street, the
Military Industrial complex, Goldman Sachs, Health Insurance CEOs,
inequality, and indeed corruption too, of the neo-liberal kind and kindness
with a smarmy smile.

Venantius J Pinto.


On Fri, Nov 6, 2020 at 9:18 PM Roland Francis <>

> First it took a major pandemic, then it took a Lying, Cheating and
> Dishonest President but finally what clinched it was that half the country
> wanted such a rotten human being to be re-elected to head them for another
> 4 years.
> There’s no other way to say this except in this way: the reputation of the
> United States, never good at the best of times, is now in tatters.
> For us in the rest of the world, it’ll be a rough time to see who fills
> the vacuum.
> Roland.

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