CBC News: The National - Nov. 22, 2020
| Barack Obama interview; Urgency around COVID-19 cases, Super Sophia
Project | Nov. 22, 2020


...in Canada pressure building, added urgency, dealing with early deaths,
trade issues,internet scams, lots of zoom-internet calls, last minute
shopping, the expectation for a lost Christmas season, vaccines in approx
6-months, and preparing for social-distancing and face-masks for at least
the next full year.

Far less theatrics and constructed drama... simple calm tone, balanced
journalism, thoroughness, especially when compared to what is seen in the
Media coverage and news programs on US and India TV...

Little room for dramatics and chaos in Canada...even when the shit is
hitting the fan.

Albert Peres
Goa Culture List

+1 416-660-0847

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