Hi Vivian,
You write like a white American. They are the ones who run the US.
Do Browns and Blacks count? What power do they have?
Why should you "hang down your head deeply in shame and agony"? What crimes as a brown man have you committed?

You don't seem familiar with American history. When Columbus arrived in the Americas, he did not come with a visa nor ask the permission of the Natives to settle. The white migrants don't do that anywhere (South America or Australia) - they just slaughter the Natives and grab the land and their resources. There were some 40-50 million Natives when the white migrants arrived. In a matter of decades, 90% of the Natives had been slaughtered and the White Christians are turned the US into a Europe II.

The Americans then proceeded to build an Empire overseas, starting with the Philippines. The Filipinos resisted whereupon the Americans proceeded to slaughter them in the thousands, In some 30 years over a million Filipinos were killed in the early 1900s.In the Korean War 1950-53, some 2-3 millions were slaughtered and major towns razed to the ground. In the Vietnam War, some 3 millions were slaughtered but the Americans were defeated in 1975 and had to flee.
Here's an example:
Just after dawn on March 16, 1968, a company of U.S. Army infantrymen, led by Capt. Ernest Medina and spearheaded by Lt. William Calley, entered the small hamlet of My Lai in Quang Ngai province, South Vietnam. The villagers, mostly women and children, had no idea what was coming that day. If they had, they’d have fled. Despite facing zero resistance and finding only a few weapons, Calley ordered his men to execute the entire population. In all, some 500 Vietnamese civilians were executed, including more than 350 women, children and babies. Other senior leaders in the chain of command had advised the soldiers of Charlie Company that all people in the village should be considered either Viet Cong or VC supporters. Medina and Calley were ordered to destroy the village. They did so with brutal precision and savagery.
Read more: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/51736.htm

And you should know more about the US presence in the Middle East and the ceaseless bombings and killings. That's the US for you, Vivian. They just love killing Brown people and bombing their countries.
Trump prefers to use the term migrant for Browns but settler for Whites.

Here's more to read about the US:
1. http://www.counterpunch.org/2015/10/02/southeast-asia-forgets-about-western-terror/
by AndreV02 Oct 15 <o:p></o:p>
The US bombed the whole of Laos, earning the nickname: “The most bombed country on earth”.<o:p></o:p>

2. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/48167.htm
08 Nov 17 U.S. Spent $5.6 Trillion Killing People in Middle East and Asia: Study The U.S. has been fighting in and bombing several countries in the Middle East and Asia for 16 years.

3. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/46188.htm
10Jan17   In 2016, US dropped 3 bombs every hour
In 2016, US special operators could be found in 70% of the world’s nations, 138 countries.

4. http://www.counterpunch.org/2017/04/07/afghanistan-small-western-lies-huge-impact/07 Apr 17 After more than 15 years of brutal Western occupation, Afghanistan appears to be thoroughly ruined. Not only in terms of its infrastructure and standards of living, and not only when it comes to all basic indicators like life expectancy (15th lowest in the world, according to
the WHO, 2015)

One can go on but has to stop somewhere.

------ Original Message ------
From: "Vivian A. DSouza" <socorro...@yahoo.com>
To: "goanet@lists.goanet.org" <goanet@lists.goanet.org>
Sent: Thursday, 7 Jan, 21 At 14:51
Subject: [Goanet] America hangs its head in shame.

As a citizen of the United Sates of America I hang my head deeply in shame and agony, to see what is going on in Washington DC, the place I called home for over 3 decades. We Americans owe an apology to the entire world for this terrible example that the world's leading democracy is showing the world. What worries me most is that the unstable and irrational so called leader of the free world is so mentally unbalanced, that in the 13 days leading to the change in leadership, he might take some irrational decisions. To think that this idiot has his finger on the nuclear button has gotten me terrified. He can start a war or do some other irrational act. I dont know what options that the two other branches of Government, - the Judiciary and the Legislative Branch have, to control this irrational behavior. These are not the actions of a sane person, but someone who has gone off his rocker. God Bless America !

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