Goa is without the much needed and so vital Lokayukta for almost six long
months. The government must with all sincerity act promptly to fill this
unacceptable vacuum.

The Lokayukta at the State level investigates cases of corruption and
ensures transparency in the administrative machinery that has to be citizen
friendly. Public grievances must be taken cognizance of promptly,
skillfully and expeditiously through a simple informal mechanism devoid of

The Institution of Lokayukta is a step forward in ensuring an Open
Government where there is due respect for the rule of law while propagating
the prevention of corruption, inefficiency and mal-administration in
governance. But to achieve these desired results, it is paramount that the
autonomy and the total independence of the Lokayukta must be ensured with
no interference whatsoever by the government of the day.

In 2013 Karnataka’s former formidable Lokayukta Justice Santosh Hegde had
suggested that some provisions be incorporated to strengthen our Lokayukta
Act but all those views were consigned to the racks. More recently our now
retired Lokayukta Justice P.K Misra had taken the pains to also propose
some much required amendments which also met the same fate.

An already weak Goa Lokayukta Act with so many deficiencies has now through
those controversial amendments which were bulldozed by the Government in
January this year rendered the Lokayukta totally redundant and powerless.
So it is no surprise that nobody wants to accept this farcical and
toothless position.

So this current imbroglio must be sincerely resolved by the Government by
swiftly bringing the much needed amendments to arm and empower the
Lokayukta with the required powers and teeth to tackle corruption and bad
governance in the State.

In this direction the assistance of a legal luminary possibly of our
retired Allahabad High Court Chief Justice Ferdin Rebello could be sought
to draft the required changes to the current Goa Lokayukta Act which once
finalized could be brought into force quickly by way of an ordinance so
that in public interest the functioning of the Lokayukta is restored.

But if the government lacks the intent and will to have a sturdy and
empowered Lokayukta, the only prudent option is to wind up the now sham
Institution of the Goa Lokayukta and save the exchequer a whopping 1.8
crores which is the annual expenditure incurred in running that body which
in its present form will serve no meaningful purpose whatsoever but only
act as a white elephant being an unnecessary financial liability to the
already overburdened taxpayers.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



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Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



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