Elvidio Miranda
The Covid-19 pandemic has proven to be a dangerous foe to millions of people 
who have been infected by it. Tough measures are required to fight against such 
rampaging enemy. In light of seeking to provide a multi-layer of protection if 
acceptable to people, it would be stressed that as a first line of defence, you 
should get vaccinated, and take immune-boosters to solidify your immune system. 
The second way is to indulge in strenuous exertion in order to build your 
immunity further. Strenuous exercises boost your built-in immunity. A third way 
is to believe that the blood of Jesus Christ has been shed to protect you in 
totality during your sojourn on earth. An example that should elucidate this is 
that of the life of our Goencho Saib. St. Francis Xavier was always indulging 
in strenuous long walks and exertion while preaching the Gospel. The reason why 
his body has become so incorruptible is that he built a very strong immune 
system by his firm belief in Jesus Christ as well as his strenuous regimen of 
tough tasks in his routine. It would be a big boost to each and everyone if we 
can incorporate these three lines of defence against Covid-19 in our lives and 
thus get triple immunity, a barrage that will surely keep Covid-19 at bay.

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