My dearest Roland,
Julio Iglesias is not Portuguese. 

In this song, "El Bacalao" he is comfortably singing in his native Spanish. 

Bacalao has several translations from the Spanish. Some are easily found on 
internet searches and other, more accurate translations are readily available 
from Spanish speakers.

Anyways, if you are looking for double-entendres,  you are barking up the wrong 
tree.  Do not, repeat, do not try and ask a native Spanish speaker if this song 
refers to a woman who dances like a cod or if it refers to a woman whose body 
parts smell like one. And in the year 2021, please do not try and ask an equal 
rights Spanish speaker what this song refers too. You will not be pleasantly 

Lastly, performing in five continents is not a license to promote misogynism.  
I care.  

As always, you keep me mostly amused.


    On Thursday, April 1, 2021, 07:02:45 p.m. CDT, Roland Francis 
<> wrote:  
 The song is about the cod (the favourite Portuguese bacalhão) though I don’t 
know whether it is the fish he is referring to or the girl who dances like one.

But with the singing 77 year old Iglesias who has performed 5,000 concerts in 5 
continents for 60 million people, who cares.



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