April 10

The hexagonal rocks on St Mary's Island are a startling sight - because the
last thing you expect from rocks are that they form in regular shapes. When
we visited some years ago, I made a promise to myself to someday visit the
counterpart in Northern Ireland, the Giant's Causeway - haven't managed it
yet, but one of these days ...

The rocks' geological origins are fascinating; their mathematical origins
(if that's the right idea, but maybe you get my point) are just as
fascinating. Especially if, to explain, it helps to start with paper and
scissors (rock, paper, scissors, you know) - as you'll see in my Mint math
column for yesterday (April 9): She sells hexagonal rocks by the seashore,

Let me know what you think. And/or if you've been to either St Mary's or
the Giant's Causeway or somewhere else that you've seen hexagonal rocks.

(The column online carries one photo from our time on St Mary's. I'm
attaching another, in which I caught someone comparing the inside of her
mouth to the rocks. Something like that.)


She sells hexagonal rocks by the seashore

About 2km off the coast of Malpe Beach - near Udupi in Karnataka - is a
tiny scrap of land known as St Mary's Island. You can reach it only by boat
from the mainland. Nobody lives there, but it has clean beaches with plenty
of shells, swaying palms and striking views of the sea. There are a few
structures, built only to give visiting tourists some shelter from the sun.

That's right, tourists. St Mary's Island gets plenty of them. Now they
don't make the trip to pick up seashells, nor to admire the palms - after
all, they could do that on Malpe Beach. So why do they pile into those
boats and come?

In three words: columnar rhyolitic lava. Really just volcanic rock, which
isn't unusual and is found the world over. That word "columnar" is the
clue. There are rock formations all over the St Mary's beach, as there are
on many other beaches. But the ones you find here are startling. For
instead of having no particular shape, they are actually hexagonal. I mean
thousands of hexagonal columns with flat tops, joined together, rising up
out of the sand and water.

Startling, because these are not human creations. They were formed
naturally. And yet, every notion we have of nature tells us that regular
shapes like these are near-impossible. To be sure, bees produce hexagons in
their honeycombs. But hexagon-shaped volcanic rocks?

When lava flows cool, they can produce such formations. I'll return to
that. Geologically, the St Mary's rocks tell the story that India and
Madagascar were joined together millions of years ago in an ancient
supercontinent called Pangaea. We know that because there are similar
regular rock formations on Madagascar. There was a volcanic hotspot under
that part of Pangaea - under what is now southern Madagascar - about 90
million years ago. Its lava produced what are really six-sided pillars
fused together, the tallest rising about 6 metres.

The geological history and the connection to Madagascar is fascinating by
itself. But I imagine anyone who visits St Mary's Island will wonder: why
the hexagonal shape?

Well, as you might have guessed, mathematicians have pursued a line of
inquiry that sheds some light on that question.

To get an idea of what they did, start with a sheet of paper. Cut it with
one straight slice so that you now have two pieces. Place one on the other
and slice straight through the pair again, to get four pieces. Keep
stacking, then slicing at random, a few times.

When you've had enough, do this exercise: take each piece of paper you've
produced and count the number of vertices and sides it has. Add these
numbers and average them over all the pieces. Here's a prediction: on
average, you'll end with an average of four vertices and four edges per
piece. What familiar shape has four vertices and four edges connecting
them? A rectangle. On average, you've produced pieces of paper that are
like rectangles.

No, by no means are they all perfect rectangles, with 90-degree angles and
opposing sides that are equal. In fact, more than likely none is like that,
unless you made your cuts deliberately to produce rectangles. Also, no
boomerangs or starfish, though you might have a few triangles and
pentagons. Still, we're talking about an "average" of sorts, and the
average piece of paper you've produced will have four sides, four vertices,
and a generally convex shape with no indentations.

One way to get some perspective on this is to think of two successive
slices, which is how we get the vertices. The angle they make with each
other can range all the way from 0 degrees to 180 degrees. On average,
therefore, that angle is 90 degrees. A piece of paper with straight edges
and angles averaging 90 degrees is ... four-sided. Like a rectangle.

Maybe you find all this only mildly interesting? Well, what if you sliced a
three-dimensional object, instead of a sheet of paper? The story goes that
the Russian Nobel Peace Prize winning physicist Andrei Sakharov was once
chopping cabbages with his wife. The analogous question occurred to him: if
you picked up the average piece of sliced cabbage, how many vertices would
it have? How many faces?

Well, in a paper published last year, three Hungarian mathematicians and an
American geophysicist argue that it would have eight vertices and six
faces. ("Plato’s cube and the natural geometry of fragmentation", Gábor
Domokos, Douglas J. Jerolmack, Ferenc Kun, and János Török, Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 4 August 2020).

If you don't slice into cabbage all that often, think of chopping an onion,
or french beans, or a cucumber, into small pieces. Or think of smashing a
rock with a hammer. What the paper suggests is that the pieces you end up
with, whether stone or vegetable, have, on average, eight vertices and six

They are, on average, cubes.

"In this study," Domokos and his colleagues write at the start of their
paper, "we draw inspiration from an unlikely and ancient source: Plato, who
proposed that the Earth is made of cubes because they may be tightly packed
together. We demonstrate that this idea is essentially correct:
Appropriately averaged properties of most natural 3D fragments reproduce
the topological cube."

So in effect, when rocks are split by natural processes, we have two
intriguing results. On the two-dimensional surface, they are essentially
four-sided with four vertices: the rectangles mentioned above. Take the
third dimension into account, and broadly, the fragments are cubes.

But hold on. What the scientists' analysis additionally showed is that in
two dimensions, while the fragments you get are usually quadrangles, there
are exceptions. Take fields that dry up in the summer heat and then display
characteristic and familiar wide cracks. Those individual cells of mud tend
to have six sides: a hexagon. Fascinatingly, Earth's tectonic plates - the
pieces of the planet's crust that make up the land masses we are so
familiar with - are also on average hexagons. As the scientists write, "the
geometry of the [tectonic plates] is compatible with either 1) an evolution
consisting of episodes of brittle fracture and healing or 2) cracking via
thermal expansion." And we know the Earth has been through both those

Then there are rocks that are formed as the result of lava that cools,
turning solid starting at the surface and going down. The theory is that
forces acted on these rocks from the inside towards the outside, instead of
the other way around (for example, think of that hammer that shatters the
rock). "As a consequence of maximizing energy release", these rocks take on
a familiar shape. Indeed: consider a horizontal section of these "columnar
joints" - or simply look at their top surface - and you'll find they are
often ... hexagonal.

One well-known example of these hexagonal rocks is the Giant's Causeway on
the coast of Northern Ireland. Another is on our very own St Mary's Island.
All left behind as molten lava cooled after long-ago eruptions.

It's a unique and remarkable sight, these thousands of columns of
"rhyolitic lava" with their hexagonal surfaces. So go visit St Mary's
Island. While you're gawking at the rocks, spend some time thinking of
Madagascar. Of lava. Of Northern Ireland. Of hexagons. Of a world made of

Of the wonders of mathematics.

My book with Joy Ma: "The Deoliwallahs"
Twitter: @DeathEndsFun
Death Ends Fun: http://dcubed.blogspot.com

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