*# 1. Mother Promise.*
For ages, you have always used this word without even knowing if it was a legit 
word, haven't you? So we decided to burst your bubble ! While the word 
'promise' features in the Oxford Dictionary, there's no mention of 'mother 
promise'. Surprised? Wondering how 'mother promise' came into being. It's the 
literal English translation of ‘Amma sathyam’ or 'Ma kasam'. The next time you 
want to stand by something you really mean, try using just 'promise'. You don't 
really need to drag your mother into everything, do you?

*# 2. Cousin Sister & Cousin Brother.*
According to the Oxford Dictionary a 'cousin' is a child of one's uncle or 
aunt. And Grammar Nazis would insist that the word 'cousin' does not need to be 
followed with words like 'sister' or 'brother'. Did you know that 'cousin 
sister or cousin brother' are words used only in India. The right way is just 
to say 'cousin'. Wondering how you'd get to know their gender. Well, that's 
what names are for, aren't they?

*# 3. Good Name.*
When Indians meet strangers, why do they ask the question, 'What's your GOOD 
NAME?' Every parent or grandparent who has named the child, does it with a GOOD 
intention. So there's nothing bad about a name. The next time you meet a 
stranger, you could say 'What's your name?'

*# 4. Revert Back.*
Now this one's tricky! Because that's what you have been writing in e-mails, 
haven't you? Well according to The Free Dictionary 'revert' means 'to reply to 
someone'. Why use 'revert back' when you can just say 'revert'?

*# 5. Rubber.*
In India the 'eraser' is also called 'rubber'! But in the rest of the world, 
'rubber' is a slang for 'condom'. Now it makes sense why your relatives & 
friends in foreign countries complain that people there burst out laughing when 
they ask for a 'rubber' instead of an 'eraser'.

*# 6. Picture.*
When was the last time you mentioned that you were going to 'watch a 
'picture'?' No one really knows when 'picture' became synonymous with 'films' 
or 'movies' in India. According to the Oxford Dictionary, 'picture' means a 
drawing or painting. You could say 'I am going out to watch a movie or film'.

*# 7. Mention Not.*
Isn't it funny that every time someone thanks an Indian, they quickly turn 
around & say 'mention not'. We are still scratching our heads wondering how the 
word originated and what it means. There are plenty of ways you can accept 
someone's thanks.You can use any of the following.
● You're welcome.
● It's my pleasure.
● That's alright.
● No problem.

*# 8. Pass Out.*
How is it that every Indian graduating from college is passing out? Confused? 
Let's tell you the difference. When you are really drunk and become 
unconscious, you 'pass out'. But when you refer to a successful completion of a 
course or training, you use the word 'graduate'.

*# 9. Cheatercock.*
We all have used this word in our childhood. Once, twice, thrice…we have lost 
count of the number of times we called someone a 'cheatercock'! But ever 
wondered what does the word mean? We are still wondering ! According to the 
Oxford Dictionary, cheater is a person who acts dishonestly in order to gain 
advantage. Won't it be sufficient if we just said 'cheater'?

*# 10. Would Be.*
How would you introduce your fiance?
Raj:Hello uncle!
Uncle:Hello Raj!
Raj:Uncle, I would like to introduce you to my 'would be!'
Unfortunately Raj doesn't know that 'would be' means nothing. If you want to 
introduce your to-be bride then simply use 'fiancee'. How easy is that!


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