May 4 2021

No, I don't think I would have liked to meet a Tyrannosaurus Rex. I'm glad
we only know them through fossils and skeletons. But yes, like many of you
I suspect, I sometimes wonder what the world they lived in was like. Were
there dinosaurs everywhere you looked? Or were there vast tracts without a
single one? And how about TRex - living my prehistoric life, how likely
would I have been to bump into one? (With disastrous consequences for one
of us).

Well, some scientists have tried to answer more or less that question. And
I find it just fascinating that they can make informed guesses about a
long-extinct animal from about 40 skeletons.

That's the subject of my last column for Mint (Friday April 30). Take this
20,000 Tyrannosaurs at a time,

Let me know of the TRexes in your backyard.


PS: Cranes figure briefly in this column because I'm reading Peter
Mathiessen's *The Birds of Heaven: Travels with Cranes*. Here's two lines
from the book that I just loved:

"Unlike less elegant animals, cranes do not part abruptly after mating but
stand side by side, crimson crowns flushed and long bills pointed towards
the heavens, after which, in unison to the end, they close the mating
ceremony with appropriate ruffling and bowing."


Take this 20,000 Tyrannosaurs at a time

A familiar dilemma, again: in this time of a surging pandemic, with news by
the hour of illness and tragedy, what's a mathematics columnist to write
about? The virus and the pandemic, even though the news is chock-full of
that already? Or something else altogether, and is that being escapist?

I don't have a good answer. So this is about something that intrigued me
recently. I'll leave it to you to search for parallels to the working of a

You've heard of Tyrannosaurus Rex, the awe-inspiring dinosaurs that roamed
the Earth a few years before you were born. Of course, they were not the
only dinosaurs roaming, but the evidence shows that T Rex was about the
largest, certainly the most formidable. It was a carnivore, and it probably
worked up a decent speed as it chased prey, so it's likely other animals
around it lived in fear for their lives.

But still, how much of a danger was T Rex? I ask that in this sense: I
would view an agitated crane as a possible threat. After all, it's a big
bird with a long and sharp beak it can use to damaging effect. But there
are no cranes that I know of anywhere near me. Besides, their overall
numbers planet-wide are too low to worry me; it's unlikely that I ever will
be accosted by a posse of aggressive cranes. Of ants, or humans, I couldn't
say the same. They exist everywhere I might choose to go, some of them

Think of T Rex in the same way. When it roamed the planet, was it like the
crane, found only here and there? Or was it like ants and humans, found in
plenty pretty much everywhere? Or let's get down to numbers: at any given
moment, how many T Rex dinosaurs were there on Earth? Thousands, like
cranes? Billions, like humans? Trillions, like ants?

That's what a team of biologists and palaeontologists have tried to answer.
("Absolute abundance and preservation rate of Tyrannosaurus rex", Charles R
Marshall and others, Science, 16 April 2021,

Charles Marshall, a University of California (Berkeley) professor who led
the team, described it this way:

"When I hold a fossil in my hand, I can’t help wondering at the
improbability that this very beast was alive millions of years ago, and
here I am holding part of its skeleton — it seems so improbable. The
question just kept popping into my head, ‘Just how improbable is it? Is it
one in a thousand, one in a million, one in a billion?’ And then I began to
realize that maybe we can actually estimate how many were alive, and thus,
that I could answer that question.”

But how do you estimate such numbers about an animal like T Rex, that died
out millennia ago, when all we have are fossils and skeletons of this
remarkable creature? Still, there are over 40 of those. That's actually
enough to come to some reasonable conclusions about such things as T Rex's
life expectancy, its weight and how widely it ranged.

The team used Damuth's Law (1981), which relates a species' body size, or
weight, to how densely it populates its geographic range. Of course there
are factors other than body weight that matter here. Still, think of
Damuth's Law as a general thumb-rule that tells us how many individuals of
a given species a given area can support.

Broadly, the bigger the species, the lower its population density.
Intuitively, this seems about right. Imagine a colony of ants: you'll find
them in roiling swarms. But have you ever seen elephants in similar swarms?
At most, you can expect a small family-centric group of them, maybe 10
animals. Damuth's Law is captured in a simple mathematical formula. It says
that if you have an animal about 80 times as heavy as a second animal, its
population will be about 1/27th as dense as the population of the first
animal. If the first is about 10,000 times as heavy, its population density
will be about 1000 times less than the second.

Again, this seems about right, taking humans and ants. If you are about
10,000 times as heavy as an ant (you're actually heavier than that), the
ants make up for that avoirdupois deficit with sheer numbers. They're found
in collections that are certainly 1000 times as dense as humans.

Back with T Rex: from fossils and skeletons, the scientists estimated
factors like the age at which the dinosaur reached sexual maturity and the
proportion of the population that survived to a given age. These were
useful in determining that an adult ("postjuvenile") T Rex weighed between
3700kg and 6900kg, averaging about 5200kg. That number plugs directly into
Damuth's Law to produce a population density of about one T Rex in every
110 square kilometres.

How much is that? Let's say T Rex had found its way to our subcontinent.
This analysis says that there would be about 30,000 adults spread across
India - 2800 in what is Maharashtra today, about 13 running around in what
is now Delhi. Compare as well to estimates that this is about a sixth of
the density of tigers. 200,000 tigers wandering about India in a time
before hunting and all our "development" decimated their numbers? Sounds

>From the spread of the locations where T Rex fossils have been found, the
scientists estimated the geographical area that T Rex actually occupied:
about 2.4 million sq km. Multiply by the dinosaur's population density and
we have the interesting figure I alluded to above: on a given day, there
were about 20,000 T Rex individuals alive.

So really, going by those numbers, T Rex was more like cranes than humans.
You wouldn't want to run into one, of course. But it was very unlikely that
you would have anyway.

The scientists used this number to calculate another interesting one. Again
from the fossil record, our best guess for how long T Rex survived on Earth
as a species - its "temporal duration" - is 2.4 million years. Now take the
average "generation time" for an adult T Rex. That's not quite its
lifespan, but a figure that takes into account when it became sexually
mature, how many offspring it produced and its chance of surviving to a
given age. Divide temporal duration by generation time and we have an
estimate of how many generations of T Rex actually lived on our Earth, and
that number is about 125,000. So if during each of those generations, there
were 20,000 T Rex individuals alive, that gives us the total number of T
Rex dinosaurs that ever lived on Earth: about 2.5 billion.

Which sounds like a lot, but isn't really. For example, we estimate that
about 108 billion humans have ever lived; and no, I don't really want
estimates for cranes and ants.

But finally, spare a thought for how dinosaurs are thought to have
disappeared. One theory is that about 65 million years ago, a large
celestial object smashed into the Earth, leaving the Chicxulub crater in
the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Of course this destroyed life in that
region. But the dust from the collision spread around the world and
lingered for years, causing lasting environmental change. That change is
what killed any remaining dinosaurs.

20,000 T Rex on Earth before that crash. None within a few years afterward.
Think of that.

My book with Joy Ma: "The Deoliwallahs"
Twitter: @DeathEndsFun
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