Covid Virus  mutations in India tweaked ?

There is a growing suspicion that surge of Virus in India is due to tweaked
virus by enemy to destabilize economy, overwhelm health system and cause
slow and massive  human casualties, Consider the scenario with military
disturbances on boarders that enhances the sinister purpose There is a
 strong rumor that virulent strain it is deliberately spread as a
biological weapon through boarders or imports or through clandestine human
influx. Is it due to unpreparedness, letting guard down, complacency or as
the results of elections, festivals and not observing SOP RECOMMENDED?

Though the virus is not alive, viruses mutate regularly and evolve similar
to living things .Mutation is a part of Virus life cycle and produce new
variants all the time. Without genetic mutations there would be no living
things, plants ,mammals bacteria. The tiny errors produce new material, as
it copies itself , it evolves, replicates in the host cell. New variants
are likely to be more lethal with transmissibility. Mutations help to bind
easily with host cell and confuse the immune system .Mutations can be
suited to jump from animals to humans .Covid 19  , viral ancestor is said
to be bat and hybrid between bat and pangolin, but  with no conclusive
proof of how it jumped from animals to humans. There seem to be 7  major
 Strains.  Covid is RNA virus and prone to high mutations and generally
weaker variations and relatively mild and slow compared with DNA Viruses.
Virus is a genetic material stuffed into protein strand in the outer
envelope. In each copy there is a chance of tiny error in DNA RNA code..
Such  RNA viruses have no  error correction ability of the mutations.
Mutant strains have better chance of survival as the accumulated mutations
become fixed, alter their properties, traits of survival

Most mutations are harmful to virus , but  help to evade  immune system and
camouflage. Mutations of viruses is the underlying biology, but may not
alter replications of cells Mutations can result in response to vaccine or
antidote. Corona Viruses have lower mutations rate than RNA viruses As the
replication of Virus is checked due to herd immunity, antibodies in the
system the mutations will seek newer more vulnerable targets and that is
why there is lurking fear that third wave may hit the younger ,vulnerable
group of Children

Hence it is clear that virulent mutant strain is not tweaked to rack havoc
as it is perceived but it is in its RNA to propagate easily by mutations
route for its survival

Nelson Lopes Chinchinimm


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