The Supreme Court observes figures given to various courts on same subject are 
various! With 71 bodies alegedly thrown into the Ganga from UP and washed 
ashore in Bihar, and many bodies being discovered buried in the sand, no one 
knows the exact figures of the dead and if from Covid! The priority of 
government was winning elections and safety of people came last! People are 
dying due to this attitude of absololute neglect of healthcare, more so in 
villages, resulting in shortage of oxygen, ventilators, ambulances. Government 
says no shortage, but excuses of technician/doctors, transport, equipment 
shortages etc ie pure maladministration! This whilst plenty of ventilators 
purchased under PM Cares Fund found unused in hospitals, and 30 brand new 
ambulances found unused for months covered. When Minister concerned confronted, 
he blithely says not 30 but 20 and he couldnt get drivers!Twenty unemployed 
drivers flashing their driving lisences immediately shown on TV. Such 
disgusting politics, arrogance and criminal negligence as a result of which 
innocent people are dying is unbelievable! The High Court in Goa has bluntly 
told the government that they are in violation of Art 21 of the Constitution 
and people dying in GMC for lack of oxygen is unacceptable! Projection of 
number of cylinders required given by the under secretary differs from that 
given by the Dean. Such a mess in procuring and vaccinating everyone. Centre 
allocates, States to procure directly, different pricing , governemnt and 
private hospitals, riduculous that for procuring foreign vaccines a State has 
to bargain with a foreign supplier etc. Most foreign nations are vaccinating 
free and it is shameful that our government has plenty of funds for elections 
and vanity projects and buildings, but none to save lives of its citizens which 
should be first priority.Centre procuring and negociating, distributing free 
vaccines for all was the answer to save people's lives quickly! Our recent 
democratic governments have been self serving with wrong priorities, and the 
electorate have not been able to bring them and themselves down to ground 
realities. The Centre has the gall to tell the SC not to interfere in 
governance matters. Unfortunately the SC has been towing the government line 
emboldening them and now that Justice Chandrachud is down with Covid, the CJI 
should have taken over and told the executive where it gets off! Not doing so 
and permitting the executive to keep chipping away its powers , the SC will not 
be able to be the guardian of the Constitution and public interest. Despite so 
many dead bodies resulting, the present comparative  complacency of government, 
having to be pulled up by the courts, is criminal neglect responsible for 
present state of affairs.

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