Amish Community: Caretakers of the Earth

Amish people who live mainly in America and Canada give the first and
important place to God in their life. They love God by faithfully following
his 10 commandments.

Their life is governed by the Bible, an unwritten code of behaviour called
the Ordnung, and their traditions.

They live, work, and do everything as a unified small community. They will
not sacrifice the importance of the community for their individual
convenience. They respect their community and find their true identity
remaining with their community.

They are a people who in their respect for the law of God, cherish the
earth and keep it safe by promoting waste and pollution free methods of
agriculture and cottage industries.

Their life style is really simple but filled with joy and cheerfulness
without electricity, TV, phone and modern gadgets, etc.

Their life is the living testimony for others how to live in this world
with harmony with others and nature.

They do not have church buildings. Every Sunday they meet at the house of a
member in rotation for three hours to listen to scripture reading from the
Bible, sermon by the bishop or pastors and of singing and prayers. It is
followed by lunch prepared by everyone and socializing. They sing without
instrumental accompaniment or harmony.

They believe in dialogue with the community and not in arguments and
fights. They strictly abide by what is agreed upon by their community from
time to time.

They are peace loving people and do not use any arms to defend them.

They live as a community like that of early Christians. Among them nobody
is too rich or very poor. They support one another at all times.

They are not caught in the web of uncontrolled and unlimited progress and
civilization. They know how to accept the limits of development.

They do not discard their past but remain faithful to their tradition and
culture. Their life is built upon cooperation, unity, fellowship and not on
competition or boosting of personal ego.

They live a contended life with minimum and basic things. They do not
believe in accumulating wealth. They live for their basic needs and not for
their greed.

They have no bank accounts or insurance policy or any social security. They
find security in God and in their community.

Most of the food items which they eat are produced by them in their farms.
They stich their own clothes. Their children attend their own school, where
besides reading, writing, they learn their rules and customs.

They live a quiet life, without interfering in the lives of others. They
live and practice what they believe. They believe that true happiness comes
through their faith in God, disciplined life, simple life style in harmony
with others and nature.

Amish lifestyles vary from community to community. Yet, the simplicity is
their hallmark. Usually, they avoid alcohol. Even those who take it, always
with moderation.

Funeral practices vary across Amish communities. But all of them reflect
the core Amish values of simplicity, humility, and mutual aid. Funeral
services are held at home rather then using the funeral parlour as
Americans do. Instead of eulogy of the dead person, they focus on biblical
accounts of resurrection. Gravestones are uniform, modest and plain. After
a funeral, the community gathers together to share a meal.

They are really people of God and true caretakers of the earth. They use
the earth for their livelihood but never exploit it. They live in this
world, but not of it. They are the torchbearers to carry on God’s divine
vision and mission.

As human beings there will be a few shortcomings and negative aspects in
their life. The main is inbreeding. Due to this, mental disorders are
found, but Amish do not reveal it to the outside world. They take care each
member of their community. Divorce or birth control are absent among them.
Compared to us who claim “progressive, modern, developed, civilized,
educated” their short comings are negligible.

In India Adivasi tribals lived in the past like the Amish. Unfortunately,
they are swallowed in the life style of the main stream of India and thus
lost their unique identity.

Since I lived somewhat Amish way of life in my village, till I joined the
Jesuits, I am convinced that simplicity of life and living in harmony with
others and nature will save our planet. Industrialization, modernization,
wars, and uncontrolled exploitation of the earth has wounded it and caused
innumerable problems, promotes new diseases and pandemics. We have
forgotten that we are not the owners or masters of the planet and universe.
We are merely the caretakers of it. When we realize the truth that we are
pilgrims on this planet, then we will become enlightened persons and we
will fulfill the dream of our creator. One of the most important aspects of
rearticulating human development is to emphasize the need for fairness to
nature and other living beings. We cannot be developed unless our lives
become reconnected and in balance, cooperation and harmony with nature. Up
to now our focus was human centred development. We have to give up this
concept to save our planet and ourselves. We have to promote earth centred
development, where humans, other creatures and nature live a blended life.

If it is God’s will, I want to live and work with my hands for the rest of
my life (I have completed 70 years) in a remote village farm in Goa as a
Jesuit in the arms of our mother earth like the Amish community. My dream
is to live using exclusively solar energy, organic cultivation free from
chemical fertilizers and pesticides, plastic, pollution and garbage free
campus, promoting eco-spirituality, promoting green revolution by planting
more trees, living in harmony with nature and promoting friendship with
others, abandoning modern gadgets like TV, refrigerator, washing machine,
air conditioner, computer, etc. In short, a life of simplicity, humility
and solidarity with nature and with those who live in the campus. I am a
dreamer like that of Jacob’s son Joseph in the Old Testament.

Pratapananda Naik, sj
19th May 2021

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