It is an extraordinary feature of Goan migration, and certainly one which must 
intrigue the anthropologist, that wherever satellite Goan communities sprang, 
and mostly these were located in port towns whether in India or East Africa, 
the trajectory of their formation and organisation followed analogous patterns. 
One aspect of Goans arriving in frontier towns was the pioneering spirit with 
which they embraced nation-building. Manuel D’Abreo who arrived in 1846 was the 
father of Cincinnatus D’Abreo, who initiated ‘Cincinnatus Town’ (now Garden 
East) in Karachi. Rodrigues tells us, the idea of building such a town, a sort 
of model or smart city, originated with A. N. Menezes, and the foundational 
stone of the first house was laid in December 1907. My own research documents 
in Baker Butcher, Doctor Diplomat: Goan Pioneers of East Africa, a similar 
pioneering spirit in the townships of Zanzibar, Mombasa, Nairobi Entebbe and 
Kampala, where Goans enthusiastically built churches, schools, club houses, 
large European-styled retail stores and palatial houses of their own. The 
zebra-riding Dr Rosendo Ribeiro was a member of the Nairobi Township Committee 
constituted in 1900 to comprise of ‘four of the leading merchants or other 
residents of the township.’

All best,Selma Carvalho

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