St Anthony's public grotto at Chinchinim church compound

Devotees of St Anthony from Chinchinim requested the Church authority  to
permit them to raise a monument  in his honour in gratitude and
Deussua  Chapel at Chinchinim is devoted to the saint  and there is a  very
popular  devotion every Tuesday and many of our villagers have strong faith
in the saint specially  for favours received.  Hence rightfully their
sentiment around the church compound was a welcome gesture as it would
constantly remind the followers of their belief in his spiritual powers and
repurpose and old unused religious  symbol
To the right of the Church on Southern side there is an  structure of old
cross with an empty  niche  and most of us   are not aware of its special
religious use and significance round the year. Faithful volunteered to bear
the entire costs and give it a face lift and there is financial burden or
request for contributions or new  site  is earmarked for it
No place is encumbered nor any one put to disadvantage or
inconvenience.Besides during annual Church feast and round the year  the
sacred place  does not receive the  religious respect  and sentiment due
and nobody has bothered thus far or  at best many may not be even  aware of
its situation and existence .Presently the symbol  does not serve a very
useful ,regular, religious purpose.There are other monuments like St Judas,
grotto to our Lady of Lourdes, St Joseph Vaz in the church compound
The controversy created by some  for cheap publicity is undesirable
besides they are not the majority who count
There are no justifiable grounds of spiritual misadventure and church
bodies are not for self glorification   but to enhance religiosity,
spirituality,  and must serve,promote  .greater good and sprituality. In
such a scenario those who seem to object without valid  religious reasons
supported by majority  must face the test of majority and must not be
allowed  to enforce their say for selfish recognition by creating
controversy .It is believed that some signatories  were falsely induced and
signed in good faith but not to object  the
specific re purpose plan and such motely campaign  must be discarded
In fact St judas shrine had encumbered the only play field then and
monument  had to be enclosed being  abused  for viewing as a public galary
.Mild murmurs of objection  were  rightly ignored in the erection  of St
Vaz magnificent monument  and church decided it and empowered  to do so.
Forcefully to stop the work by miniscule few  in advance stage of
completion after due sanctions from the Church is  gondaism  in religious
name and must be nipped in the bud.The church need not seek approval in
every matter and  authorities  are wise enough to take calls
The Village of Chinchinim and Parish has enough enlightened, respectful
parishioners who rightly  believe that church authority is not divested
entirely in church bodies to raise unnecessary controversies  and to sow
seeds of rebellion  and discontent and act contrary  to deep religious
The grotto as planned would a fitting tribute to the faithfull followers of
St Anthony and come alive and add to religious beliefs and deepening of
IT  would further repurpose   the symbol into significant meaningful  way,
the old unused sacred place subjected to disrespect  neglect round the
year  and help the followers to pay due respect  conveniently to their
patron saint. OUR neigbourhood is steaming with crosses  ,statues  of our
lady, saints in private residential compounds
Football ground, church compound, church hall are converted into sacred
places  for consecration of holy eucharist and the chapel dedicated to
blessed sacrament is now coverted into a hall for meetings etc
What then is the justifiable   reasonable  objection to convert unused,
discarded  disrespected symbol into a more vibrant,beautiful place close at
hand for many bievers of saint. WHO is aggrieved to  have a say and what
are the social credentials of such protesters
Minority can have its say but it is the majority who have the way.
Church cannot stop the permission given and allow  waste  of precious
resources  already sunk into its development or reimburse the expenditure
Vast majority of Parishioners  are not even aware  and condemn those that
stand in the way of religious sentiment of majority of Parishioners   It is
time to sack any of such nominated  self seekers and whose image in the
society is suspect or resign  gracefully if their opinions   are in
contrast with legitimate church authorities

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes  Chinchinim

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