The American Worldview Inventory 2021 assessed the perspectives of four
generations: Millennials, Gen X, Baby Boomers, and the Builders. They found
that Millennials have gone farther in cutting ties with traditional
Christian views and normative biblical teachings than previous generations.
Just 16% of Millennials and 26% of Gen X believe that they will go to
Heaven if they accept Jesus as their savior, compared to approximately half
of the generation before them. Moreover, 43% of Millennials stated they
either don't know, don't care, or don't believe God exists compared to 28%
of Boomers. 44% of Millennials believe Satan is real and influential,
compared to 64% of Boomers.  31% of young adults strongly agree that what
is considered "morally right and wrong" varies over time and is based on
societal standards, compared to just 25% in 2018. Christian press reacted
strongly to this study, suggesting that the beliefs and behaviors of
younger Americans "threaten to reshape the nation's religious parameters
beyond recognition."

Roland Francis

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