Message 4 Dated of Sun, 22 Aug 2021 23:04:48 +0530>

Goa 1961 (Op Vijay-1) :: 1961 GOA OPS  The background.... (Valmiki Faleiro)

I read the piece with great interest. Suddenly, one individual, Valmiki
Faleiro, made me sit up because the book he wrote a decade earlier  is
being revised and will come every week. This week we are told

     This column hereafter carries the 1961 Goa Ops part           from a
revised chapter of the book, Patriotism In           Action: Goans in
India?s Defence Services by            Valmiki Faleiro, first published in
2010 by           Goa,1556 (ISBN: 978-93-80739-06-9).  Revised
edition is to be published.

He further notes

<<<The primary target audience of this book is the Goan, wherever in the
world s/he may be domiciled.  The subject of liberation/conquest of Goa in
1961 and her integration into the Indian Union in 1962 -- though sparsely
understood at best, and misunderstood at worst -- should be of much
interest to the primary target reader.  Hence this Military Op and whatever
preceded and followed it – the background, diplomacy, arguments, the
run-up, the buildup, the actual ops and their aftermath in Goa, within
India, and internationally -- are recounted in some degree of detail.

Faleiro hoped that >>>the reader will enjoy reading it as much as the
author enjoyed writing it!>>>>

His pleasure is our pleasure :

There are several things that stuck me in a cascade.

First  What struck me was that one of the world’s greatest colonizers was
itself colonized by the Romans. Both Spain and Portugal were part of the
Roman Empire. Latin was the common language of these two Roman colonies.
Yet over time, indeed  for centuries the languages took a different course.
Yet, one cannot learn Portuguese and expect to know Spanish. Currently the
two languages are quite different.

Secondly       Portugal, though puny with a population of barely
one million and poor maritime traditions was the           first European
nation to chart a sea route to Asia.

          The fall of Constantinople (now Istanbul) to the
Ottoman Turks on 29 May 1453 and ensuing closure of           the land
route for Asian merchandise led to the          search for a sea route.

Thirdly, How many Goans, who are so proud of their Luso connections, know
much of

<<<<Prince  'Henry the Navigator', This Prince invested some of the wealth
of the Templars into shipbuilding and navigation. He launched a maritime
school at Sagres on Portugal's southwestern Cape of Santa Vicente facing
the Atlantic.>>>

This noble Prince transformed the half-decked sailboats, and sailors who
did not have the skills or education to navigate without keeping visible
reference to land. The Prince decided to make the Training of Portuguese
sailors with Arab, Jewish and Genoese help….perhaps even an Indian
Mathematician or two to improve the skills and the vessels. The Italians
who centuries before took the land route to go to China at most could do
about 20 Kilometres a day. In good weather a ship could do 50 or more
kilometers a day.   Soon Portugal emerged as a European leader in
“<<<discovering>>> new lands from West Africa to  India and all the way to
Japan in the East and Brazil in the West.

Fourthly,  how many Goans know that Lisbon is the oldest capital in Europe  But
it also turns out that Lisbon, the capital of Portugal is the oldest in
Europe. It was established circa 1200 BC, -- older than Madrid, Rome, Paris
and London.

Yet,  the Indian civilisation was far more ancient, next only to
Mesopotamia and Egypt, and followed by the civilisations of Maya/Mexico,
China and Andes (Aztec, Inca), all much older than Europe. Yet all these
countries and their civilizations became colonies in a small way, by the
Romans but then in a quantum leap by the Portugese. They not only imposed
or converted their citizens to Catholism, but mixed freely with local

Portugal under Prince Henry the Navigator had a population of about 1
million, today has a population of .11 million. India and China each have a
population of over a billion. Portugal the puny state has hundred times
less than the 2 giant countries.

Fifthly,OK Goans do not know much about Prince Henry the Navigator , who
sent Vasco De Gama, Albuquerue and Cabra…but they know even less of a  Marquês
de Pombal <>.who in
1761 ABOLISHED slavery in Africa  that is several decades before
Livingstone and the abolishist campaigned for the end of child labour and
slavery in Africa. On the flip side the Marques also banned the Jesuits
from Goa.  The clever Jesuits,   they moved away from Goa and moved in the
hugh British to India and look at their impact on education, rights of
other people including tribals and on the Moslem education etc in Pakistan.

Grandolfo says what is next ….It is a good thing that Valmiki Faleiro,
piece comes only once a week. I am exhausted  Yet  there is so much to say
about, Colonialism,  Slavery, slavery etc

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