Dear Mr Colaco

Your Message dated : Wed, 25 Aug 2021 10:12:51 +0000 (UTC)

on the  Subject: [Goanet] Goan Election
Message-ID: <>

Your Message starts with a negative attitude ..Such an approach will give
you what you expect. Zilch

TWO  you blame everybody for  the last 6 decades  and you expect the
<<<tide to turn >>>>>What will happen is that the sea will remain still and
might explode like a tsunami

THREE **Why don;t you name a few of the competent fellows that you know
......otherwise the usyal corrupt fellows will remain in power

FOUR  Politicians from Goa do not read Goa net...even if you write the
Subject matter in CAPITAL LETTERS like a certain Advocate

 FIVE: Some Goand have served their state and their Country extremely well.
We are currently even reading a new version of the book... a Chapter every
week !!!! Think of all the Goans in the Armed Forces, Religious
Organizations ete  You call them lazy who don't want to work the hard but
productive  land, and an illeriate government doesn't want to make man's
first occupation, agriculture, into an industry status.

SIX  You have been grossly MISINFORMED that the Mozambicans call the
Coans  canecos,
meaning empty vessels......Fact of the matter is that the Portugese did not
know what to call the people of Goa ....who used CANOES.  Goans who moved
to Mozibbique are hardworking some even fish for a living ...Please cheque
who was the Advisor of Samora Michele ,the President of Mozambique whose
plane was misdirected by the Boers and then shot down

Empty Vessels Indeed .....Even St Joseph Vaz would get very ANgry ......and
it woukd rain so heavily diring elections....that nobody will go and vote


In Peaceful Dar es Salaam

PS Just thinking whether A Saint Benard Hound, like those in the Swiss Alps
who rescue victims caught in snowstorms .....the dogs carry brandy to help
the Victims...A tropicalized version might not give brandy but some 5 star
FENI .....its good for the SOLE of Goan Feet but also good for their SOUL



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