About 5 years ago I wrote an article on a chat group about Ron Noronha that was 
an excerpt from a jotting of Edward Brand a Catholic Charity CARE State 
Administrator, that praised him and awed at his experience with him.

Therefore I was quite surprised when an Anjali Noronha wrote to me asking about 
the origin of my writing. She happens to be Ron Noronha’s youngest daughter and 
wanted to correct a few facts in my article. Of course other than quoting my 
source I had no other information for her because of the lapsed time.

That didn’t stop me from finding out a little more about her father. What I 
did, took me aback.

Here was a giant killer who:

Reluctantly sat for the ICS exams but topped all the Indian candidates.
Stood up to Nehru then Prime Minister and threatened to arrest him.
Challenged the CM of a state who was his ultimate boss.
Devoted his life to the Tribals he was sent to serve. 
Made drastic proposals to improve India’s Civil Services
Was awarded the Padma Bhushan
Was appointed a large state Chief Secretary twice and Goa’s Chief Civil 
Administrator after 1961.
Was an admired rogue-man-eater animal hunter.

Noronha, the ICS in the field:

Noronha, a flamboyant ICS officer became “a legend in his lifetime”. Pandit 
Nehru chose him as the Chief Civil Administrator of Goa after its liberation in 

Some of the most interesting segments in the book, which Noronha narrates are 
those of communalism and corruption he encountered in Madhya Pradesh, even in 
the 1960s. One minister whose proposals he opposed once told him, he says: “You 
don’t seem anxious to continue as Chief Secretary, Noronha, or else you would 
not go on in this way.”Noronha said, with as much as respect as I could muster, 
‘Sir, my real desire is to become a [lowly] tehsildar, but unfortunately, 
you’ll have to give me the salary of the post in which I’m confirmed, a 
Commissioner’s pay.”




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