Re: ‘Just because some in Lisbon or London…..etc

It may help us all if those who so quickly dispose of, and insult the
research of others, rivals no doubt, took the time to read those offending
publications and sources before  pontificating about what they may not or
not have read.

Research, even on Goa and Goans, may come from many sources, including your
own. Establishing oneself as the Paragon of Goan Truth does not negate
research by others, many of whom may have never visited Goa or India. But
to quote an old adage, it’s from the mouths of strangers that we often hear
the truth.

We have outstanding research on overseas Goans, among them we have Jessica
Kuper, Donna Nelson and most exhaustively Margret Frenz from Oxford. Their
studies of Goans are outstanding and well worth the read, even or perhaps
specifically,  by local experts.

Be appreciative of research by non-Goans, let a thousand flowers

On Fri, Sep 24, 2021 at 10:12 AM Gilbert Lawrence <>

> In my research for the book on the Jews and the Goa inquisition, it would
> appear that the Goa Inquisitor selectively went after Jews and converted
> Jews. The fact is often ignored that Jews, Moors and the 'new-converted'
> were disproportionally a much larger segment of White settlers in Goa
> because of their expulsion from Portugal and Spain; and the reluctance of
> native Portuguese to leave their homeland. Also the whole essence of
> colonial Goa was trade and trading networks, an occupation in which Jews
> excelled.  So likely by the same token, the same groups shoulder a
> disproportionate share of the ills of colonialism - moral, fiscal and
> ethical which have been extensively discussed.
> Just because some in Lisbon or London or Jerusalem or Amsterdam want to
> make the Goa inquisition and their own careers all about the Jews in Goa,
> it does not mean the Goans should fall for it; especially when it is
> causing communal discord within Goa and India.  This is termed "causing
> chaos without leaving any fingerprints" - a prelude to "divide and rule".
> It is time Goans evaluate their history from a strategic and geo-political
> perspective rather than the naiveté that we were brought up with.
> Regards, GL
> Co-author:  Insights into Colonial Goa
> Published by Amazon and Kindle
> ---------
> From: Mel de Quadros
> the Jews, expelled from Spain in 1492 and from Portugal in 1496, as well
> as those who fled after the Portuguese Inquisition in 1536, migrated to
> Goa, India.

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