Your Excelkency
After much hesitation and rumination i decided to share with you the
feelings of  parishioners at large ,  as i gathered
I seek your indulgence and patience  to bear with me.Your Ecellency  you
are under no obligation to reply or accept it as the only  one sided truth.
I myself have no idea to answer to those who seek the reasons of worst type
of ingratitude in the history of the Parish and specially the man whose
works of development and spirituality have not been  surpassed
The organisations have failed the PARISHIONERS  not the parishioners have
failed Fr Costa.
My personal knowledge that many have rewarded him with gifts that are much
more than words can quantify.
I for one felt terribly upset and sad  though honestly speaking i have
never had any conversation with him  for 5 minutes to be precise.I have
serious issues with him to be involveledd in all activities  activities by
the Trust undertaken  to give him the joy he richly deserves  for the
indelible memories and legacies  left behind.Even  if there are  reasons
for justification  the parting moment is not the right moment for rebuff
If there were incidents about which we do not know the authorities needed
to take corrective measures at appropriate  times

Thank you your Excellency for perhaps wasting your precious times, but you
need to know  the other  side too
Awaiting your prayerful blessings
Yours obediently
Nelson Lopes

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