There is no bottom to human idiocy and Goans are abundantly blessed in that 
respect.  Add greed and that explains why Goans everywhere have fallen behind 
most communities.

On Monday, October 18, 2021, 01:27:56 PM PDT, Roland Francis 
<> wrote: 

Colin Powell both the hero and villain of the Gulf War and the Iraq Invasion 
that led to first, the liberation of Kuwait and then to an invasion and 
destruction of Iraq based on a falsehood, died at 84. 

Although passing away from the effects of the Covid virus, he had an ongoing 
condition of multiple myeloma, a blood cancer.

Only idiots would question the value of a vaccine based on Colin Powell’s 
circumstances, but alas, idiots are not lacking at any time and in any place.

CNN took it upon itself to patiently explain why sometimes vaccines don’t work. 
I doubts the idiots among us will find the explanation sufficient.

Why vaccinated people dying from Covid-19 doesn't mean the vaccines are 


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