FN,You will make a good Texan. 
Fully a third of the locals here believe that they are protected from above and 
will not be affected by the Covid virus. 

The other two thirds believe in divine protection and vaccines. 

I have yet to hear of a single case of a “faith healer” going into a hospital 
and working his/ her magic on a patient with Covid-19. 


On Tuesday, October 19, 2021, 1:10 AM, Frederick Noronha 
<fredericknoron...@gmail.com> wrote:

Science tells us that "faith healing" can and does work. However
"unscientific" this may seem, there are valid reasons for it:

Faith Healing Shouldn't Work, but It Does

As far as sexual abuse by men of religion (as well as others, and not just
men) goes, that is an admitted problem. But it is unrelated to what we are
discussing above, isn't it? 

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