The late Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar and the late Minister Mathany
Saldhana managed to persuade the minority community a couple of
elections ago to vote for the BJP.

Even the Roman Catholic Church gave support to the idea. Why?

The Congress party had gone on a looting spree which  today is
acknowledged as legendary and unstoppable!

Has the Congress party reformed and learned from the inglorious past?

Please correct me if I am under the wrong impression. Haven’t Digamber
Kamat and Alex Sequeira been awarded Congress tickets for the next

Rahul Gandhi was here a week ago and there was a big show about making
a new beginning and a lot about guarantees regarding delivering what
is going to be in the manifesto.

Also, the importance of participatory democracy and the need to
consult with the stakeholder and voter.

If these two old horses are going to be part of the group of
representatives in the coming election then the Congress party is
already in trouble.

One is deeply immersed in the mining scandal and the other did nothing
to stop loot by the party.

Doing nothing about corruption, keeping quiet about it in a
parliamentary system of government is no excuse.

It does not mean he has a lot of political experience as he claims; it
means he is not a responsible and clean politician contrary to his
claim of having a lot of experience!

Are these two going to be the frontline faces of the Congress party in Goa?

If it is to be then it will be as great a tragedy as MLA Luizinho
Falero joining the TMC. Will the Congress party president get the

New and fresh faces have been promised even maybe a few never before
seen faces.

The Congress supporters do not want faces from decades ago!

Is this a fresh new start? How does the party expect to get away with
it? We are all aware of cosmetic surgery but can it work on these two
old political horses?

Senior Goa Congress oliticians please do not make a sincere man like
Rahul Gandhi into some kind of a monkey or fool. He gave the people of
Goa his word of good governance and a clean government.

Some people say the BJP is even more corrupt than the Congress party.

If true then it is not the way to come back to power by putting old
people in the Congress political show window which will only remind
the whole of Goa of the unbelievable corruption of the Congress in the

Mr Girish Chodankar the party president might well go down in the
history of politics as the man who gave the Congress party their last
and final rites.

Is this good or bad?

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