Sometime ago I posted an observation  To quote parts of what I wrote:

>>>>>As a Goan I have an interesting question related to Music.  A few
weeks ago, at the end of the Mass, in St Josephs Cathedral. Fr. Denis the
Tanzanian Priest said that three musicians would perform. What took me by
great surprise was two young Africans, came in front of the altar and both
had violins.  I was surprised because it occurred to me that I had never
seen an African with a violin !. The third person who came to the front was
a young lady who sung. The piece  they had picked was the *Ava Maria. She
had a mike*.

Slightly more than 58 years ago Ophelia and myself exchanged vows in St,
Joseph. Right in front of the altar. about 70 yards  away but raised high
up was the piped organ and the choir. The Choir included a few Goans, Swiss
nuns Right at the end Elma Cota sang the Ava Maria solo.  No mike but her
voice filled the huge cathedral.  It was a great moment. I cherished it for
a long time especially when I was in California.  God had really given Elma
a very great gift.  Sometimes I wondered who trained her to sing.

So here I was in St Josephs Cathedral in  2021, listening to the trio.  At
the end of the Performance, Fr Denis had another big surprise.  The young
lady was a convert from a Lutheran   This was even more surprising because
the the Lutherns .. <<<*Hail Mary ! >>>>*

*African Choirs in RC  Churches*

While African used drums and all types of other instruments including the
hand held piano, gourds etc.  In some parishes they still do so.  I am
aware that the Arab settlers in Dar had a small building Franco’s Bakery.
it was the home of the Arab Musical Society. violinist among them . It was
largely a small private and community affair  The Quadros and a cluster of
Goan Families stayed, all around and a couple even were part of the Goan

An author from a consortium of South African Universities wrote an Article
about research work done on different woods from Africa to produce violins.
The tone was different etc etc   This was new for me and it simulated a
number of questions .

To begin with the Violin was a South Italian creation and for a long time
remained in the doldrums.  So how did the Portuguese  and Spanish get  it

So as a Tanzanian Goan I asked myself....where do the Goans get their
violins. I suppose the first ones came from Portugal but subsequently were
they made in Goa.  Another big surprise awaited me ...I was reading
*conVersation* research findings from a consortium of Universities from the
Republic of South Africa Stellenbosch

Martina Meincken Associate Professor, Stellenbosch University, enlightened
me to a whole new world of *tonewoods, etc etc. Let me quote her*:::::
>>>>>>The sound quality of this instrument, named the “African violin”, was
then compared to a violin made from traditional wood species by the same
luthier, with the same methodology. Both instruments were played by the
same player with the same bow>>>>>>.

>>>>>The sound quality of the two violins was determined by recording audio
frequency spectra – ranges – of various single notes to analyze the
discernible overtones. This is a musical tone which is a part of the
harmonic series above a fundamental note. A good sound quality generally
consists of many harmonics at higher frequencies. >>>>>>

*Violins can Be Expensive *

*The Messiah Stradivarius *is valued a whopping* ($20,000,000) yes* Twenty
Million  Messiah Stradivarius crafted in 1716 by Antonio Stradivarius and
it remained in his shop after his death death in 1737.  It was not used
much so it is relatively in a new condition. The violin is on display at
the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford,  UK

Who were the manufacturers of the hundreds of violins that came to Goa
…..that was my question. Can any diaspora Goans help ….Its a big research
topic …imagine if we compiled a list of all the RABAKS in every big town in
Goa …then Go to Karachi  and Dar es Salaam, Mombasa and who Knows one of
these Canadian Goans is sitting in an heirloom


In Makongo Juu ...plenty of loudspeakers even on Bajajs ....a single
violinist might change the mood




PS:  The violin has its roots in Italy around the 16th Century  ......How
did it get into Portugal and Spain.  Do we have to thank SFX ???

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