The proponents of a Hindu Rashtra are emboldened by the PM and ruling
party's silence on the violence and hate speeches by politicians and even
Seers clearly communal and will destroy the secular fabric of our nation if
it continues unchecked! Reportedly Jayesh Naik leader of the Bagrang Dal
and his group threatened to disrupt celebrations of the annual feast of St
Joseph at the ruins of an old church of the village of Sancoale to be held
on Jan 16th. In all of India many Christian and Muslim minority people and
their institutions are being targetted by such vigilantes with State
patronage! Goa is showing the way by the villagers of Sancoale led by
Hindus lodging a police complaint standing by their Catholic community,
where keeping aside religious differences they have been living together in
harmony and Jayesh, not even a Sancoale resident for the last one year has
been inciting religious disharmony! The police have submitted a report to
the Deputy Collector. We also have videos of a Dharma Sansad in Haridwar of
hate speeches by Hindu Seers going viral, even calling for genocide against
Muslims! The lack of action by the police with no immediate arrests and
no condemnation by the administration is shocking. The matter has reached
the Supreme Court which is moving cautiously. Hate speeches unchecked are
dangerous. History clearly shows all  genocidal movements were started by
hate speeches. The Holocaust for extermination of Jews is a grim reminder
and our Hindu Seers calling for genocide against Muslims as in National
interest must be nipped in the bud with strict and exemplary action called
for by all law abiding Indians!

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