Another great take on the story!

I must admit I’d forgotten the progeny of the East African Asians became
shopkeepers, much like Margaret Thatcher’s parents, and became as right
wing as her. They took over the Conservative Party.

Mervyn, far-seeing as usual!  You are not much for that ‘he’s a right
winger, but he’s our right winger’ philosophy.

Thank you for bringing us up to our senses, Mervyn. Dishi Rishi is not only
the richest man in the British Parliament, but his father in law is one of
those Indian billionaires!

Oh vey!

On Sat, Jan 15, 2022 at 1:15 PM Mervyn Lobo <> wrote:

> Doc,
> The river basins and lakes in Europe were the basis for their economic
> progress. People used the rivers/waterways to trade with each other, which
> led them to speak the same language and have same or similar customs.
> When the colonialist divided Africa, they used the rivers and lakes to
> divide people. Lake Victoria is split into three with the Lou tribe split
> such that they now find themselves residing in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and
> South Sudan. The southern  border in Tanzania is the high water mark of
> Lake Malawi - which means that when a man in Tanzania walks from his hut to
> his fishing canoe, he has crossed an international border.
> A similar situation exists on the Konkan coast. The Portuguese were mainly
> interested in controlling the wealth and used rivers for borders as they
> were easier to defend. When one crosses the Terekhol river, the people on
> the other side look just like you, they speak the same language and their
> food is prepared the same way as you do. There is no difference - we are
> the same people - unless one is unable to shake off the hangover the
> colonialist left behind.
> BTW, apart for politicians, an influencer that not many people realise has
> Konkan roots, is CNN's Fareed Zakaria.
> As for Rishi Sunak, even though his mom studied at the same secondary
> school as I did - our years there may have overlapped - I pray he never
> becomes PM. I just can't stand right wing politicians. Their policies are
> geared towards retaining privileges or, "Me, me, me" while the left wingers
> are more about inclusion or, "We, we, we."
> Mervyn
> On Saturday, January 15, 2022, 06:27:22 a.m. CST, Mel de Quadros <
>> wrote:
> It appears Dr Ashok Varadkar came from India, close to the Goan border in
> Malvan.
> Here is the link:
> So he is an almost- Goan!!
> .

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