I read RF Message: 2 Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2022 14:10:52 -0500 on Subject: Re:
[Goanet] Goa's beaches filled with liquor bottles, footwear, other waste
post-Covid, finds GU study | Goa News - Times of India

Message-ID: <50176bf4-f13a-4676-b5e5-cb80f5126...@gmail.com>I

RF was harsh on them & even called them  Silly bas**rds!

RF must a have been in a bad mood because of the poor use of Canadian
taxpayers money. His  suggestions  to quote him:

<<<< Instead of conducting useless studies, they could have enforced a no
drinking, no littering bylaw with strict enforcement, heavy fines and even
short imprisonments.>>>>>>

This would aggravate the situation the situation <<<Free Food in
Prison>>>>Another 8 million uncouth would rush to GOA !!!

Took me a long time to consult my uncle on Mars but based on his wisdom I
suggest the following :

First at every entry point a chip be installed to monitor behavior so that
anyone, over drinking, abandoning slippers and plastic / glass bottles on
the shore will be stopped at departure point.

Two such fellows then must be sent to the sites and clean up their dirt.
They should then load all this trash in their cars or luggage and be sent
back to the place of origin

Three, such persons should not be allowed back to Goa.

> Just to show how profitable it would be to GOALAND...,,,,Hundreds of jobs
> for university ict experts, perhaps a Nobel Prize of two and several Noble
> Prize etc,


In dry Makongo Juu

PS in addition Bollywood be encouraged a movie and Canadian and British
goans  write plays, satires etc

Tanzania might even contribute a Dodoma nickle or a Singida gold cup

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