
 I was most impressed  with YOUR Message: 5 Dated: Mon, 28 Feb 2022
16:39:10 +0000 (UTC) which arrived a few minutes ago. The Subject was  in
[Goanet] Ukraine and refugees
Message-ID: <>

Although the source of information BBC (In my book known as British Bluff
Corporation) …you state that the  <<<that the President of Zanzibar is
trying to help a thousand Ukrainians who are now stranded in Zanzibar.? AND

The former tourists have run out of money, they have no place to stay and
there are no flights for them to return home. In a few days, the Ukrainians
morphed from well heeled  tourists to refuges.>>>

*According to my source: a couple of those well heeled Ukrainian Refugees
were shrewd businessmen and women. They went on a spree and purchased all
the SUNFLOWER OIL to cause a major shortage of COOKING OIL all the way to
mainland Tanzania, all the way to South Africa and even Nigeria *

*Two We on the Mainland will send Boeing Dreamliner to collect all our
students and diplomats and their wives and also children, and even the Big
Soviet Bear etc*


*I have another proposal will the iron is still hot…Please set a few of
your TEXAN cowboys, with all the transport (horses) artillery (Six Guns)
lariats and bullet proof hats to help the learned Goan  Advocate from
Ribander, As you know he has been lamenting for years about crooked
politicians and even their children etc    to capture all crooked Members
of the Goa Parliament and take them to Austin *

*Grandolfo   In *

*in Peacef*



Do you think you can do this before the Carnival Begins ??? In DSM last
Friday at the DI, the theme was CUBAN Music and Attire …I believe it was a
great success.  There were no American  Around

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