Sunday is a great day for me a retiree who is not as yet tired even
though I do not work from Monday to Saturday. Sunday is a state of

And, on Sundays I make time to think of the events in my life which
have brought me joy and sorrow.

Decades ago the Pakistani war between the two countries
brings memories of Indira Gandhi. She was an amazing humanitarian and
also a person of great political acumen.

She has gone down in history as the person who sliced the former
Pakistan into Pakistan and Bangla Desh.

The great store house of Pakistan was lost once and forever making it
much easier to control this renegade monster.

Imagine if Bangla Desh and Pakistan were one country today. It would
be a much bigger headache for India. Pakistan has been reduced in
terms of economics and politics.

Every Indian worth his salt should be thankful to Indira Gandhi for
making us safer. Whatever political party does not matter - we all
need to be proud of her!

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