Just a few hours ago, Dr Simoen Msaki .a world authority on Witchcraft ,
Albino Killing and superstition sent me a piece which I eagerly read.  The
myths related to the tree are out of this world.

A  few minutes ago I called Lucas our night watchman.   I asked him to go
to the neighbours fence, ignore the mango tree to the left and tell me the
name of the big tree next to it. He does and as he approaches me he is
trembling.  I asked him the name of the tree  he hesitated really nervous

 <<<I told him it was a Mbuyu>>>

Yes he was scared ….yet last Friday when a whole lot of people, children,
adults Bankers, Professors  we were less than 10 metres from the tree
…celebrating my Birthday ….nobody was afraid Professors, Bankers,
Bureaucrats children and teenagers and even Watchman Lucas !!!

Two    I could not copy a piece seent by my friend Dr Simeon Masaki, a
world authority on Witchcraft and Albino Killing The piece he sent me was
from the Canadian Organization <<<Under The Same Sun>>> Its all about the
myths around the tree at the time of creation !!! This includes why God
made it an upside down tree …it used its roots to run every night etc  I
will be seeing Dr Simeon tomorrow in his office and perhaps I can then
attach the piece.

Third I left the goldmine for the last. This is based on Con*V*ersation
written in 2018.  I learnt alot from Associate Prof. Aida Cuní Sanchez, Yes
she is Spanish, with postgraduate degrees from a couple of well known
British Universities and is now an Associate Professor in Norway

Let me quote directly from her piece in Conversation, a consortium of 5
South African Universities, the Nigerian Academy of Sciences, The Melinda
Gates Foundation etc  Writing about  the different types of Baobabs she
notes :

<<<They also have more than 300 uses
The leaves, rich in iron, can be boiled and eaten like spinach. The seeds
can be roasted to make a coffee substitute or pressed to make oil for
cooking or cosmetics. The fruit pulp has six times more vitamin C than
oranges <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19093269>, making it an
important nutritional complement in Africa and in the European, US and
Canadian markets.

Locally, fruit pulp is made into juice, jam, or fermented to make beer. The
young seedlings have a taproot which can be eaten like a carrot.

Not only is the information relevant but one can construe new perspectives
from different parts of Tanzania, including in Dodoma and Dar es Salaam, or
Kenya, Sudan or Mozambique, South Zambia including the Valley

Not only is Prof Sachez practical but it is very well illustrated. She
Professor at Noragric Department, the Norwegian University of Life Sciences

 So lets share information and make knowledge grow.  Perhaps one day we can
have a Bar inside a Baobab tree which will serve Baobab beer or wine and
for those who are against alcohol a baobab lemonade and a carrot like cake
from its roots !!!

Happy Reading  ...Don't be scared says by Uncle on Mars and confirmed by
Melo's Auntie from Pluto


In Makongo Juu ..not far from a Baobab tree …guarded by the Alsatian Obama
,,,,,,The English eating peanut butter .....only the Americans do .....You
can get Tubs of Peanut Butter produced in Tanzania ......I have not seen
the wine !

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